Everyone who is a US citizen and didn’t vote, comment “HERE” please
Everyone who is a US citizen and didn’t vote, comment “HERE” please
Boy, you really told those rednecks who have no idea how to use the internet outside of Facebook! I’ll bet they won’t make that mistake again!
The only accurate answer.
Lol who could even come close to taking over the US? The whole of Europe would have a near impossible time.
Good. It’s faaaar past time america stops policing the world and having a seat at the big kids table, trump is a child. I do however think it’s far past time Europe polices Europe, no one will ever take over the US so we have no need for the UN. We don’t need to pay for all those other countries defenses or be involved in theor policies. Let them sort it out.
Yeah that’s not gonna happen. Fuck cuomo.
I downed 9 pounders a day for a few years in my youth. The withdrawals when I decided to stop were fucking hell and even after I quit, the residual affects were pretty bad and lasted for a year. Please dear God don’t anyone ever do this.