• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think the most good I could do would be to go back to the mid-1700’s colonial America, probably a center of education like Philadelphia, Boston, or New York. Patient a couple of simple but yet-to-exist technologies like the addiator calculator, rifled gun barrel, etc, but especially the optical telegraph. I would try to leverage these devices/systems into myself joining the Continental Congress as a representative. The optical telegraph is 100% technology that was possible, but not in existence and one that I think could have had unforseen relevance to the founding of the United States. Imagine if long distance, nearly instantaneous communication had existed when the Constitution was being written… think about the implications of that for communication privacy protection. Might even be able to convince the founders to include such a system to be part of the constitutionally mandated post office. I think all it would take would be to point out how important communications had been in the War of Independence: “imagine Savannah has been attacked by Spain. It would take several days for a place like Boston to be alerted to that event… with the optical telegraph the whole nation would know within a matter of a few hours.” After all that, I’d probably try to help get germ theory off the ground and write rebuttals to push back on the various scientific racism theories floating about at that time.

  • Found out yesterday that a manager that hates me is extremely demoralized, currently job hunting, and already tried to quit.

    Earlier this month, I found out that a different manager, who in the past tried to get me fired, themselves tried to resign at the beginning of the year. That manager’s contract is up in August and their department is failing on just about every metric imaginable so, they’re likely going to quit or be asked to resign at that point.

    Finally, a coworker who was working with that second manager to try and get me fired was themselves fired by corporate for a multitude of reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to: credible accusations of drunk driving company vehicles, harassing and bullying others, offering cocaine to both coworkers and clients, and allegedly attempting to extort someone else out of their job… which is a felony (we’re currently encouraging their victim to go to authorities, but it involves leaked nudes and they are understandably embarrassed about the whole thing… which is their decision, no one can force them). This fired coworker once told a whole room of people “well if [TrueStoryBob] and I both walk into the GM’s office, who do you think is gonna walk out with a job.” Well, we can now definitively say it was them who would walk out of that office unemployed. They had to be forced off company property; like physically escorted onto the sidewalk by the GM and the Business Manager.

    All of this has legitimately put a pep in my step. Overall, I like my job, however I was already putting my CV out there just in case. Now, I can stop the job search and not worry about potentially having to move as I also like where I live. By the way, my manager is an absolute dream who’s been watching these other two departments burn to the ground with unadulterated glee as both of these managers walk ass backwards into their own demise.

  • In Catholic school in the nineties and early 2000’s, we were all told that the sex abuse scandal was serious but that it was also “a small number of incidents.” That we needed to pray for the victims and the souls of the perpetrators.

    Then I went to college. Come to find out not only was the child rape widespread, not only did the church actively hide monsters from legal scrutiny, not only was this all directly effecting the local arch diocese (not my school specifically, but church leaders were forced to quickly rename another high school when allegations against a dead bishop proved too numerous to ignore)… not only all that but that it’s still going on, just not in first world countries with robust networks of journalists and legal systems. That an alleged pedophile was (while I was in college) living in the Vatican, being directly sheltered from extradition by South American authorities.

    I guess the lie was that it was all over. That it was a small problem. That the church was a safe place people could turn to. I left the church at 18 over it, became an atheist by 19, and that’s where I’m at now at 35.