• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The 87-year-old pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told Italian bishops that gay men shouldn’t be allowed to train for the priesthood.

    Well, they’d better brace for an even more severe priest shortage then. I’ve met many Catholic priests over the years, and based on their mannerisms, I’d estimate that a sizeable minority were nearly falling out of the closet. Not a big deal IMO, as most of them were good guys as far as priests go. They cared about and wanted to do what was best for their parishioners. And they took their commitment to the church very seriously. But excluding them from the seminary will just make the current priest shortage even worse.

  • Those upcoming changes are why I’ve been playing with the idea of a complete switch to Linux. While I use Linux regularly (but certainly not exclusively) and feel comfortable making the transition to it from Windows, my wife and kids would struggle with some aspects of Linux. And committing all of us to that OS transition would mean a commitment for me of troubleshooting, assisting, and educating the family.

    Thanks OP for this post. I know you’re getting some shit for it, but I and others appreciate your honest findings.

    I don’t think OP’s analysis should be taken as offensive or disingenuous by others here. And I don’t understand why they are getting shit. I’ve been using Linux off and on for 20 years. It’s come an insanely long way in that timeframe with its usability for less technical users. But yes, there are still some gaps to fill. And the way to fix them is to listen to honest feedback like OP’s.