• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Like I said above, pure sophistry on your part.

    Israel is occupying Gaza currently, there are no civil services left. This is not in dispute and Israel admits this. International law says that the occupying power has responsibility to ensure the health and wellbeing of the civilian population. Israel is intentionally denying food from being delivered, they closed the borders for months until Biden pressured Israel to reopen them. That’s not Hamas’ fault. In fact, the Israeli government used intentional starvation as leverage to try and force Hamas to free hostages, but that’s also illegal and a war crime because you’re killing people unaffiliated with Hamas as a means to pressure them.

    hundreds of trucks go through every day

    It was zero for months, and even today it’s not at prewar levels and too low to prevent a famine. That’s Israel’s responsibility and no other, both under law and by the consequence of their actions. The IDF destroying desalination plants and farms means there’s no means of growing local food left, so even more food trucks are needed than prewar. 500 trucks a day was needed prewar and far more are needed now but the recent average has been 300 trucks a day. That’s because the IDF demands inspections of foreign goods and delays and rejects them arbitrarily. Again, the end responsibility is on Israel to feed the population since they now occupy the land and they aren’t doing it; not giving their own food or allowing enough foreign food.

    Gaza has been blockaded since 2007 and that previous excuse of there being a Hamas government is no longer applicable; Hamas is no longer in control of 70% of the land in Gaza according to the Israeli government and therefore the responsibility to avoid famine is now on the occupying government. You may not like it but that’s the law including in Israel where they are bound by the Geneva Conventions.

    There is no amount of aid that Israel is obligated to provide that is the cause of any hunger in Gaza

    Completely wrong and ignorant of Israeli and international law as noted above.

    I’m not going to waste any further time if you don’t know any of this. It’s settled international law, which is why it’s not just the UN, ICC, ICJ, many NGOs, and many governments including parts of the Israeli government that aren’t rightwing who all publicly admit this.

  • I think a lot of people are kidding themselves if they think there’s no material benefit to the US by keeping Israel as an iron-clad ally in the Middle East

    Not at all. Israel is a greater liability than any benefit they provide. Unconditional support for every Israeli aggression makes the US deeply unpopular in the rest of the region when we were previously popular. It undermines all our rhetoric of freedom and human rights when we partner with such a blatant violator of them. Bin Laden spelled out in his 2001 statement that support for Israel’s atrocities is what motivated 9/11, and doubling down on that support only increased terrorism for the next 20 years.

    And what do we get out of this ironclad support? Did Israel help us in any of our wars in Iraq or Afghanistan? Do they give us any aid or resources or do they demand them from us?

  • Do you honestly believe Netanyahu loves Palestinians and that the quotes in court were merely cherry-picked? His whole career is against the state of Palestine; it’s even on his damn campaign website and in the party charter. If you can’t be convinced of the blindingly obvious truth I can’t help you.

    You can try to attack Sourh Africa as much as you want but Israel’s military ally Egypt also signed onto the charges. So did a lot of NGOs and EU countries. If you want to live in denial then that’s on you, but don’t try lying to the rest of us.

  • Your article gives examples like he cancelled Trump’s plan to repaint Air Force One. That affects me how?

    Let me save you time. He made campaign promises to the Muslim community and broke multiple ones, then stayed silent for years despite rising Islamophobia and instead focused his administration only on anti-semitism. (Both are terrible but he ignored our community despite our equal fears) He then decided to make it worse by saying he has zero trust for Palestinians, only to privately say he meant Hamas but never corrected the record. So he helped murder relatives of people in my community, and the only outreach to us is saying Trump would be worse. This is supposed to motivate a community that 80% voted for him last time? He’s not a good person and if he loses it’s his own fault.

  • The IDF cleared the area and then chose to designate it as a safe zone. That’s 100% their responsibility if they herded and encouraged civilians there. Israeli intelligence has a pretty detailed map of the tunnels and have been citing them widely. I do not believe they suddenly discovered a tunnel (since they’re not even claiming a tunnel existed, merely that the Hamas people were underground). AND spokesman Daniel Hagari said that Israel only used two 17kg bombs, which isn’t enough to reach or destroy a tunnel.

    Seems obvious I’m talking to someone who only regards Israeli people as evil, attributes everything to malice.

    Nope, but keep looking for reasons to dismiss everyone you disagree with so nobody can affect your beliefs with new facts or evidence or logical arguments.