• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023

  • Really? That second teleport ability sounds super fun. It means the players have to run around the battlefield fighting the monster, and interacting with the terrain, not just standing in front of each other trading blows. Plus it only happens once a round anyway so you can strategize around it.

    The first ability also sounds super cool. At that level there are ways around these things anyway. The friendly casters may have teleports of fly spells, players have dimension door and other crazy abilities from their various magic items they’ve collected for 20 levels, and a DC 27 save at that level probably isn’t that hard to hit anyway.

    Just goes to show how subjective fun is I suppose because that description makes me more excited to fight that then the standard bag of hit points 5e tarrasque.

  • There’s hypothetically a bunch of different version of communism for everyone. The thing is, Marx described the problems with capitalism, and some vague sense of what socialism could be, some guidelines of what it should aim for, then kind of left the details up to each individual society to get there how they think is best based on their individual material conditions. He gave his own guesses, but didn’t think he could predict that part fully, it would be up to the people of the future to figure it out and build on. A third world country, rural serf based near fuedal society, like Russia, would have completely different needs from some post-industrial country, like if Germany turned communist, for example. If the world’s sole superpower, the US, turned communist, it would probably be a lot different than communist countries that had to transition under siege neighboring imperialism, like Cuba, North Korea, or Vietnam.

    This is just to answer your last question. Don’t think this really addresses your other questions, but just wanted to explain that part, as I’ve had it explained to me before. But I generally agree with you. There should still be some form of democracy but it might look different than what we are used to here in the US or liberal west.

  • It’s not like it’s all ancient history. Sanctions are ongoing, there was the attempted coup with Operation Gideon, plus the weird attempt with Guaido, propaganda campaigns, etc. and how many things we don’t know about. The US is still meddling. They are the largest empire in the world, the sole superpower. Of course they can do a lot of things and have a lot of affect. Of course Venezuela has a lot of itself to blame for its problems, like not diversifying from oil more, but you’re going too far the other direction and acting as if the US has no effect on its own sphere of influence.

  • It was about 60/40 when I went, maybe 70/30. Mostly dancing, but some politics sprinkled in there, too. Mostly anti-China stuff. I get that China has done some bad stuff so it was easy easy to applaud and all, but now I know it’s just because they’re a cult that got huge and some Chinese President didn’t like that.

    Which isn’t great because freedom of speech should be a thing, but also, huge popular religions can cause great harm, so I’m not really on their side now that I’m seeing what Christian Nationalism can do and looking at what happened in South Korea. Making sure government isn’t hijacked by some crazy popular cult maybe isn’t a bad idea. Also, they’re ultra conservative, anti-medicine and evolution, anti-feminist, homophobic, and support Donald Trump and supported the lie that Biden stole the election, so ya, wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been hiding their politics more since I’ve seen them to stay generally popular and hope people don’t suspect they suck lol.

  • Ya, a lot of genocide apologia in this thread. It’s off putting, racist, and paternalistic. There’s got to be other ways to support Biden without saying he’ll be good for those poor Palestinians, the group they’re currently helping bomb. Plus, his administration has threatened the ICC and UN for trying to protect them.

    But the fact of the matter is that without huge changes to our political systems, the Democrats will just bring out the Project 2025 excuse from now on forever. This is the most important election in the world. Just like the last one. And the one before it. And the next one. Like in this thread, criticism is impossible against the Democrats, even while they push a genocide, for the alternative is Trump or someone like him. Not to say that Project 2025 doesn’t scare the crap out of me. But it does seem best for them to always have the US on the edge of fascism as a cudgel.