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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • It’s the lack of flow.

    When I’m good at something, I can switch my brain off (even for mental tasks like programming; it’s weird how ADHD works) and happily do it for hours.

    When I’m working on something I’m not good at or am new to, I need to stop every few minutes to think or research and that gives my ADHD brain an opportunity to attack.

    When I’m medicated, I can maintain that flow state with nearly any task - just with zero control over which task gets priority.

  • Thanks for the detailed review!

    I’m curious, have you played Starsector? It’s an RPG/space combat sim, not naval combat, but it feels broadly similar. From what you said you liked about this game it seems like you might enjoy it, and it’s ridiculously well polished for a game still in alpha - I’ve encountered virtually no jank or annoying bugs in my playthroughs.

    (Trading kind of sucks* due to tariffs making margins low if there’s not a shortage in a good, though there are mods out there to make the economy act more like a more traditional trading sim)

    (* Though it has the most fleshed out smuggling system I’ve ever encountered, with stealth mechanics and suspicion meters and economic effects to dumping things on the black market)

  • Thanks for the recommendation! Ouch, those Steam reviews are not gentle about the state of the game. Saw this developer response under one:

    Thank you for your passionate review. It’s clear that many people had high hopes for this game, and unfortunately, we fell short due to various factors including mishandled feedback, poor hiring choices, and bad business decisions. It’s been almost a year since the game was completed, and I’ve lost a lot of sleep over how many things we screwed up so badly. However, we have to move on and put what we’ve learned to good use. Reading your feedback warmed my heart in a way that we knew people care enough to play and felt emotionally invested in this kind of game, and if we put out something great at one point in the future, there’ll be a chance to redeem ourselves. For now, your feedback is fair and I totally agree with everything. We might be able to make a few more updates in the near future, and I’m sure we might be able to do something about the refueling situation at least.

    So even the devs weren’t happy about things. Is it still worth getting even with its flaws?

  • Spec Ops actually did have choices where you could be good (or at least less bad), but ironically people missed them because they didn’t think being good would work.

    For example, at one point you’re being harassed by an angry mob of locals. A lot of players simply shot them because a lifetime of experience with shooters told them that no other input would be recognized. But in actuality, if you fired warning shots at the ground or over their heads the civilians would flee without incident.

  • It should be noted the Irish team had the best catchers in the League, while the Bulgarian team was mediocre and carried by their seeker. And even then the Bulgarians only lost by a tiny bit.

    If Rowling’s goal was to show that other positions mattered, she chose a terrible way to do it. You’d have to be more than fifteen goals ahead in a game that often ends before a team scores fifteen goals, period.