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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental civil right in the US

    The pro-gun community has wasted the last 20 years demonstrating that they’re unwilling or incapable of addressing gun violence and they use the second amendment to prevent others from addressing it.

    Eventually, the people you’ve sold out will have no other choice but to repeal it. Pro-gun groups will throw an almighty tantrum but so what? They have no room left to escalate because we already have to listen to them endlessly bleat about guns, we already have to constantly fight them politically and we already live under the threat of being murdered by a far-right extremist with a gun.

    access to the means of self-protection is a human right

    Sure, if you can prove you’re not what we need protection from because you’ve been sold a gun. Nobody is opposing legitimate self-defense – that’s why they’re not banning door locks, burglar alarms and MMA classes because you can’t easily use those things to murder people on a whim.

    I think that correcting the underlying issues that lead to gang activity would have more benefits overall than trying to ban a constitutional right

    Let’s take you at your extremely dishonest word and say that gun violence is 95% social problems and 5% access to firearms.

    Well the overwhelming majority of the actual people you’ve grouped as “enemies” support both gun-control and social policies designed to combat inequality, which addresses 100% of the problem. It’s literally the progressive platform.

    For you to actual have an argument, they would need to support gun-control but oppose progressive social policies, and those people simply don’t exist in significant numbers outside your imagination.

    But what about your “allies”? Well the majority of them support neither gun-control nor progressive social policies, for a grand total of 0% of the problem fixed. This tracks with the last 20+ years of them not solving any of these problems. It’s literally the Republican platform.

    However you’re happy to be dishonest so you present them as a group that only opposes gun-control and sure, they exist, but they’re still only fixing 95% of the problem.

    While gang activity exists in all countries, countries with fewer social problems and lower economic inequality have far less of a problem with gang activity.

    And all of them also have far more restrictive gun laws, making them far more closely aligned with gun-control advocates than pro-gun groups.

  • You take your magic wand and make all guns disappear, people who want to harm others will turn to knives.

    Which would instantly be a massive improvement. Americas crime rates are functionally identical to other wealthy countries, only with a massively inflated homicide rate thanks to sick, stupid and desperate people being able to buy all the guns they want.

    When people try to raise money for cancer research, do you spit in their face and tell them “you’ll never cure all cancer and even if you do people will still have heart attacks and if you cure those too they’ll just die in car crashes”?

    You don’t think it will ever be your life it saves, so you don’t give a shit.

  • Doctors treat symptoms while they treat the problem, they don’t just offer you thoughts and prayers. Even if the problem isn’t treatable, they still do everything in their power to control your symptoms.

    Imagine you turned up to a doctor with every bone in your hand broken, only to have them claim “Sorry, we refuse to give you painkillers because the pain is just a symptom. If someone just spends 12 months reconstructing your hand, the symptoms should be mostly gone. I won’t do it (and I’ll staunchly oppose anyone that tries), but that’s the real solution”.

    They wouldn’t just be considered a dogshit doctor, they’d be considered a genuinely evil person.

    So stop with the apologist bullshit. No gun control advocates are stopping you from building your violence-free utopia that you insist will solve everything. The society we have today is fucked up and you need to stop selling them guns.

  • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    If you don’t have preferential voting, the only party worth voting for is the one pledging to introduce it. It would solve this bullshit overnight.

    Instead, people are fighting over which neoliberal to elect; the slightly more progressive one or the significantly more fascist one. Both of them are going to put the profits of wealthy donors ahead of human lives and neither is a true solution to mounting problems.

    Fuck, not only will this not stop the genocide (because Israel doesn’t actually need the weapons in the first place), you won’t even solve the bots and propaganda. Israel has an extremely sophisticated cyberware unit and they’ll just join the Russians trying to get Trump elected.

  • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    4 months ago

    Sounds more like you just don’t know anything about the gambling industry. They run rigged games in predatory ways. They happily let organised crime launder money for a cut. They fight regulations designed to reduce problem gambling.

    Nevertheless, nobody here is “forcing their way of life on others and taking away their agency over their own lives”. They’re just acknowledging that casinos have a long history of being absolute cunts.