The party for pro-life huh. Amazing how they disregard years of medical expertise, study and data to fold the narrative that fits their desired reality.
The party for pro-life huh. Amazing how they disregard years of medical expertise, study and data to fold the narrative that fits their desired reality.
This self-ish mentality is rife and something I noticed alot more during covid. When most people during that period would not even take basic measures to help protect their own community, mind you these same people are also always the ones that decry freedom of speech and rights. The right for them to say anything and also the right to not vaccinate. But then you ask them about trans, gay rights and abortion rights then you really see who they are, because it’s just rules for me but not for thee with these people.
Then they try the it’s against my religion approach, then you ask them about those same freedoms for other religions, whoa whoa slow down there because this level of freedom only applies to Christians. Hypocrites
Not to mention the gay conservatives that have essentially voted for their own rights to be chipped away at by the far right. It’s like they are wearing blinders to their own prejudice being ushered in again after decades of progress.
It’s truly staggering the amount of cognitive dissonance, hate yet at the same time the inability to even realise that the freedoms that these people try to strip away from others are also the same freedoms that will also be stripped away from them at some point as they through their own idiocracy inch themselves further into authoritarian dictatorship.
This idiocracy phenomenon is not just limited to a specific age bracket unfortunately, although they are the most likely to fall for scams this …… whatever is happening is extending across all age groups.