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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • People seem to hate the concept of enshittification for some reason, but it’s a perfect encapsulation of the modern economy. Things that were once good are abused to extract wealth for shareholders. That is their only purpose. As far as the board of directors at Boeing are concerned, if they narrowly miss an accident they don’t have to report and it nets them an additional $1 million, then all the better. High quality engineering, the collaboration of engineers and machinists, and especially safety are only valuable insofar as they make more money. And they’ll be damned if they leave any money on the table to avoid a plane breaking up mid-air, killing everybody.

  • So why doesn’t Biden talk about what he’s going to do to help people?

    I’m reading a book titled “Hit 'Em Where It Hurts” that explains why this this doesn’t work anymore. Basically, and contrary to you, not everyone knows that Biden isn’t Trump. Often these low-information voters just catch whatever vibes they happen to come across since they’re generally uninterested in politics.

    So, imagine you’re one of these people.

    From the Republicans you’ll hear, “Biden and the radical leftists want turn your kids away, make you pay more for energy, raise your taxes, and strip you off your freedom! They can’t be allowed to continue with their dangerous agenda that rips the future from patriots like you!”

    From Democrats, if they focus on what they’ll do to help, “We’re going to forgive student loans, make the wealthy pay their fair share, and do more to invest in under-served communities. We want everybody to have a real shot at thy American Dream.”

    Which do you think is more convincing? It does not help that Republicans have a massive media infrastructure that repeats their political messages while Democrats don’t.

    The book I’m reading suggests using the Republican strategy against them. After all, it’s proven to be effective for Democrats (remember the Red Wave in 2022 that never was). And emphasizing the threat of the Republican party to American democracy is just true.