There’s a school of thought that youtube style content isn’t good from a business perspective, that all of those downloads cost more than they can make.
Mainly it’s because American bandwidth is way too expensive due to years of infrastructure and greed.
I’d love to go back to the days where you download the videos and audio you want in the background and watch it later.
It would save the platforms so much money and make competition viable.
But people are WAAAAAY too immediate gratification oriented, they want their endless stream of 30 second fluff clips in full HD.
Until we drop First Past the Post voting for Ranked Choice, we will never be free of the regressive portions of the democratic party.
TO BE CLEAR: This isn’t a ‘both sides’ argument. Only one party tried to overthrow a legal election by force.
That said, voting blue is only necessary because we realistically have no other choice under our current voting structure.