Quote from “dead like me” “Death is kind of like sex in high school. If you knew how many times you missed having it, you’d be paralyzed.”
Quote from “dead like me” “Death is kind of like sex in high school. If you knew how many times you missed having it, you’d be paralyzed.”
I would suggest unionizing and talking to a union rep
Put a tear in my eye
I believe the quintessential example is curl Also here’s the relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2347/
Ok, I’ll concede. Finally a good use for AI. Fuck cancer.
Gary Gygax dungeons were infamous for the “there’s 3 doors. Behind door 1 is a swarm of giant poisonous killer bees, behind door 2 is an insta kill trap and behind door 3 is a tunnel leading to a chest full of gold and gems” situation without any way to distinguish the doors.
Sorry I’m french and it came to me while grabbing pain killers. I shared with my wife, she absolutely hated it so I figured it was good enough for the sub.
It’s also a derivative from another one i read before: french people are so hardcore they eat pain for breakfast.
It’s just the community nickname for her
That’s why I only use Kelvin. 314.15 sounds like 3 times more “WTF HOW HOT IS TODAY??!?” than your paltry 107