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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzJet Fuel
    5 days ago

    We’re stupid, but at least we’re honest about it. They’re stupid, but at least they have the decency to not act like it out in broad daylight.

    Wrong comparison. People from the US are stupid and proud of it. There’s nothing honest coming from the US except bombs.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzJet Fuel
    5 days ago

    You forgot the anti-vaccine campaign they ran in countries near China saying their vaccine contained pig parts. Not the US state dept’s first anti-vax campaign btw.

    US vaccines were made available first and foremost to Western citizens, and only then were made available to purchase. China released their vaccine worldwide, so countries without a vaccine program had access earlier and cheaper than they could acquire vaccines from the US. Their anti-vax campaign was meant to prevent other countries from accepting China’s offer, thus preventing goodwill towards China, protecting the profits of US companies, and leading to the deaths of millions who could have been saved in “US Allied” countries such as the Philippines.

    If you were going to buy into one of these two conspiracy theories, first you should have some actual evidence, and then you should look at the behavior of these countries and ask yourself: which behavior is more consistent with releasing a virus that could act as an economic weapon meant to shut-down a country, but not kill everyone?

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzJet Fuel
    5 days ago

    The US is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons on civillians, so them using biological weapons on civillians would not be a big moral barrier for them or a big stretch to think about.

    That’s such a small stretch that it’s actually a confirmed fact that the US has repeatedly used chemical and biological warfare. Korea and Vietnam are merely two easy examples.

  • And for even juicier chicken, directly inject cranberry juice using a needle and syringe. You can use other juices, but IMO, cranberry goes best with chicken.

    For outrageously juicy chicken, sous vide to 155-160F directly in cranberry juice (no vacuum bag). This may bring the chicken beyond many people’s juicy limits, so I suggest trying the other two recipes first to gauge your personally acceptable limit of juiciness.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzJet Fuel
    6 days ago

    Stop giving a shit about those limitations. Stop posing the question and expecting others to fix it for you. Leaded fuel is a much bigger problem than the cost of replacing or retrofitting those planes and if people don’t have an incentive to change, they won’t.

    At the government level:

    Subsidize the cost of retrofitting, set a hard deadline for no more leaded fuel, tax that fuel ridiculously starting yesterday…seriously, just invest in actual solutions instead of shrugging your fucking shoulders and saying, “but it’ll cost too much.”

    Money ain’t shit compared to public health. Give the problem a reason and the means to be solved. It really isn’t that hard unless your government only cares about profits, not about improving the lives of its citizens.

    Community level:

    If this is your case, it’ll be harder, but you need to create circumstances where either the government’s or those continuing to use and produce leaded gas are punished for doing so. This is only possible through mass organizing. One of the simplest versions of this is through forming consumer unions. An even simpler method is to burn all of those little fucking planes down and burn every new one that pops up. Make it too expensive for people to buy and insurers to cover.

    I think you can see where I reached the limits of my patience in writing this comment. I joke, but it is an effective means and should probably be The last resort. The point is nothing will change unless you take direct action which will involve organizing people who are affected by this problem to invoke positive change. Alone you are weak, together you are powerful. Power is what allows you to change the world.

  • Counter-point:

    There are also many widely accepted beliefs in the scientific community that are based on misinterpreted data/results published by others, unconfirmed, and out-dated beliefs. I agree with you, but I also think we too quickly dismiss those who question the paradigm and many in translational/translated fields (like medicine) continue operating on out-dated beliefs because they don’t want to or don’t have the time to keep up with current research.

    Case in point: the justification for 6-foot spacing at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Particles do not magically drop off after a few feet, this was justified in medical textbooks based on a misinterpretation of a particle physicist’s publication. Another example: many organic chemistry classes still teach that FTIR is a qualitative method only despite many examples of FTIR quantitation and the widespread adoption of this method throughout companies that produce instruments and analysis software.

    We should encourage trying to disprove that which we think is true and unquestionable so that we can fix our past mistakes and better inform our future work.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlChoices
    16 days ago

    This argument is hilarious with the intended implication that Republicans would somehow be different

    Irrelevant hypothetical. The Democrats are complicit in an ongoing genocide.

    Dems are still far better for the US though

    Keep dreaming. They’ve been telling you this for decades, but there’s functionally no difference at home (besides the crackdown on protests against the genocide, fascism much?). Roe v Wade was overturned under Democrats despite them using the abuser logic, “if you don’t vote for us, our opponents will take away this right.” Speaking of, the Democrats have had multiple opportunities to codify RvW over the last 50 years, times when they had super majorities, but they didn’t. The Democrats decided to hold it over our heads as a threat instead. The Democrats decided to allow the Republicans to bully them into filling SCOTUS with right-wingers who would support their agenda. The Democrats have fulfilled none of their domestic policy promises to the people (only wealthy “investors,” let’s be honest, they aren’t contributing to campaigns, they are investing in the ability to shape policy), they have taken no actions to address the frequent abuses of the filibuster made by Republicans, and they’ve by far been the more deadly of these two parties when it comes to foreign policy (sanctions) and military operations.

    How much longer are you going to continue eating their shit and pretending it’s chocolate? Do you really think you are so helpless as to have no option but to vote for one of these two parties? Do you think the only political action you can take is donating, campaigning for one of two shitty parties, and voting? Oops, my favored political party is doing shit I don’t want (contributing to a genocide), but I’m not going to do shit and will still vote for them despite that.

    Quit your shit and just own it. I’d say it’s hilarious, but it just isn’t anymore. You want to vote for fascists, you are pressuring others to vote for fascists, and it’s either because you fucking want fascists in power or you don’t want to oppose these fascists. You are supporting a genocide and it’s sickening.

    Just shut the fuck up with the fascist apologia and classic liberal moral grandstanding. No one buys the lie that the Democrats are the morally superior party anymore. The Democrats aren’t progressive and never will be. Your support of them reflects on you and your values. You aren’t progressive, you support these fucking ghouls despite claiming to have morals and values and desires that are opposite of the actions your chosen party is taking.

    Get fucked.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzlittle hopper
    18 days ago

    For sure, I just like posting stupid things on memes.

    I think your lab needs to get you a giant magnifying glass with a light so your squinting days can continue. They’re super nice for things that can’t go under a microscope. So far I’ve been lucky myself, but many of my colleagues my age experience the same problem. Some day I would like to get a macro camera so I can just show them pictures.