Your resident human error.
How far can you strip down the human body until it can’t survive anymore. Assisted feeding and breathing is okay. Adjustable room temperature too.
Arms, Legs? Gone. Can we get rid of the skin? Probably, if the room is the right temperature? Bones? Most of them aren’t needed, are they? Some organs surely can go too.
Basically, what is the bare minimum needed so the body and the mind still more or less work.
+1 for Yakuza. I hope you have played 0, Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 before 3.
What genre of indies are you looking for?
The right extremists are on the rise in my country. I would rather not have them knocking on my door in a few years to detain me for calling their leader a cunt on the internet.
Oh wow, I never heard of the skin archive. This is fantastic.
I still use Winamp 2.95, with a Pure Pwnage skin I downloaded back in the mid 2000s. Added it to the archive.
The Dustforce OST maybe?
That’s what the video to One by Metallica is based on, isn’t it?