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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I mean, anything above a 5 is above average?

    1 - Don’t even waste your time
    2 - Really really bad
    3 - Has some good things, but mostly bad
    4 - Fell flat quite a lot, but still enjoyable
    5 - Mid/Average
    6 - Decent
    7 - Pretty good
    8 - Good
    9 - Great
    10 - Masterpiece

    So, from my list, it looks like it’s been consistently okay, which is what I would expect from a show that has run as long as it has!

  • Yeah, no.

    It’s not that people think ANY kind of criticism of Biden is bad, no. Most of us are probably on the same page.

    Where we start rolling our eyes and downvoting, is when it basically sums up to “Genocide bad = Biden bad = Both sides are bad = Vote for third party = Trump gets into office”

    Let me tell you something, friend. When Trump was in office, it was some of the most miserable times of my fucking life. I truly did not see any hope if he got elected for another four god damn years. I’d rather kill myself than allow some little whiny ass, dictator wannabe bitch get back in office.

  • Yeahhhh, no.

    Like the original commenter said, you are either ignorant or stupid.

    Anyone who actively lived during Trump’s awful years in office has all the info we need to NOT vote for that fucking orange idiot, and instead CLAMBER to anyone with ANY semblance of sanity.

    If you honestly think that Biden losing will help anyone in any way whatsoever (besides Trump and his little rich bastards who are as evil as he is), you, and anyone else who feels that way, are a lost cause.

  • LucidNightmare@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    I just personally wouldn’t waste my time. I get that there’s a lot going on, and a lot of it very bad, but at the end of the day, the bigger picture is crystal clear to those of us who actively lived through Trump’s awful years in office.

    If a meme is what gets you to vote against yourself, then you were going to do that anyway, just with extra fluff.

  • LucidNightmare@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    If a meme like this makes someone who claims to be “left” not vote for the (unfortunate) only person on the ballot that will keep whatever little semblance of democracy we have in tact, then I don’t think they are as “left” as they claim to be.

  • I’ve realized, thanks to tal, that I was under the wrong impression and had thought the CPU was just too power hungry. Maybe it is, but it has always had not so good battery life unfortunately.

    I have bitten the bullet, and upgraded to a newer laptop. The battery actually lasts multiple days of youtube, plex, and anything else like games I throw at it. I just wanted a laptop I didn’t have to worry about charging unless I got a few uses out of it first! I will always miss the glowing apple on the back of the lid though. That was some good times. :')

  • Wow. Thank you so much for this post! I always thought I was flipping crazy, but it actually makes sense now!

    As an aside, I just went ahead and bit the bullet and got a new laptop as I was under the impression the CPU was very power hungry, and that no matter what upgrades I gave it, it would never be “efficient” enough for me to use for what I need a laptop for, which is battery life.

    Thank you for helping me understand the issue was always there, and that I should’ve definitely researched more before I bought these upgrades!

  • I read about this from people like you, but I did NOT have the same experience.

    I recently upgraded a 2011 Pro Macbook with new RAM, and a new battery. I am furious at myself for even wasting the money to do that in the first place.

    The battery, even when brand new from iFixit, barely lasted an hour or two on Youtube while I am at work. Two videos around 15-20 minutes, medium brightness, 720p, and the damn thing barely lasted those two videos. God forbid I want to use it for anything after those!

    I’m assuming it was because the CPU is way way power hungry, which is okay, but DEFINITELY not usable in real situations. My main point is that my side of this situation was not at all good, and to not waste your money!