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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Oh, I misunderstood sorry. Well I don‘t have any qualms about that either, if the society don‘t want to sustain me anymore I don‘t mind dying earlier, they can give me euthanasia if it‘s such a huge issue. I‘m honestly over this implied duty I‘m supposed to feel to sustain this scheme, let‘s just be glad I‘m channeling all my disdain for it into useless social media rants, while still following most of it‘s rules and duties as best I can anyway.

    The one implied duty I simply won‘t follow is the one about dragging anyone into existence, if procreation were mandatory I‘d rather go to prison instead, that is how protective I feel of my non-existent kids.

  • I don‘t know what I‘ll do in 35~ years, but if it‘s still a thing by then, then sure I will take advantage of it, I paid into it all my working life after all. I also try to save a bit, but inflation eats all of it up anyway probably.

    If the young people don‘t want to sustain this and it gets repealed, I guess I will work until I am unable. If I became unable, I hope they at least provide me with euthanasia or otherwise I guess I’d have to haunt the streets as a homeless spectre to scare them into making the rich richer. Tough choices! Maybe I get lucky and die of cancer in my 40s like my parents instead.