• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023

  • At the system level I have Caps Lock mapped to Escape (because who doesn’t), but I also have Caps Lock mapped to Control when I press it with another key, and I can press both shifts together to toggle Caps Lock.

    At the Neovim level, I don’t think I have anything ground breaking. Most of my keymaps I think are fairly standard within the community. But here’s a couple of my more unique ones that I haven’t seen many people use:

    -- quick-switch buffer with TAB
    keymap("n", "<TAB>", "<C-6>", opts)
    -- Setup compilation keymap on fly
    -- This one's actually pretty dope. 
    -- Sometimes there's a command I want to run frequently, but it's not 
    -- something I want to dedicate a permanent keymapping for because it's so 
    -- specific to the task at hand. So this is keymap for creating another keymap
    -- to run a terminal command with <leader>c
    keymap("n", "<Leader>C", ":map <lt>leader>c :!<lt>cr><left><left><left><left>", {})

    Oh, and here’s some blasphemy for you, when I’m presenting I like to gesture with my mouse, or even sometimes just when I’m thinking through something. So I have keymaps in place to open my file explorer with right-click, or my harpoon window with middle-click. Then I have mouse keymaps in each of those windows to further navigate or select files with the mouse. Just makes navigating easier because I don’t have to keep switching back to the keyboard (super fucking backwards, I know).

    Here’s my config in case anyone’s interested. Maybe someone can find something useful in there. https://github.com/rnwtn/nvim-config/blob/master/lua/user/keymaps.lua

  • In the U.S., most salary jobs are spoken about in annual terms. Job listing’s list annual salary, offer letters list annual pay, my employee portal lists annual pay, etc. My pay stubs are biweekly though. Pretty much nothing is ever described in monthly terms, at least not that I’ve ever seen.