JohnBrownsBussy2 [undecided, they/them]

Sequel to JohnBrownsBussy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2023


  • I don’t really care about the honor of Rian Johnson, but I don’t think your points are correct.

    why are there suddenly cloaking devices in star wars

    Cloaking devices were introduced in Episode I

    why don’t the imperials hyperjump in front of the fleeing rebels?

    The tracking device makes hyperspace jumping a game of hopscotch. There’s not really a point.

    why can several characters leave a chase in progress visit some planet and come back to the chase still in progress?

    Yeah, this one is kinda dumb, but it’d be possible for a small ship to escape unnoticed and get out of range in order to jump to lightspeed.

    the holdo maneuver breaks several in-universe rules about how hyperdrive works.

    Those rules are established in the books/supplemental materials, which aren’t canon to the film series. The film-makers have no obligation to respect them. Episode 7 also breaks/rewrites the hyperspace rules.

    Luke’s character “development” happening entirely off-screen (and throwing out better character development from decades of books) makes the flashback scene completely unbelievable.

    None of the books are canon. It makes sense that people change over long time skips, and they did outline the rationale for his mindset changes in the flashback.

  • On alternative to traditional hit points can be seen in OSR/NSR games derived from Into the Odd. The game still has HP, but it stands for “hit protection” instead of health/hit points. In Into the Odd, there are no attack rolls, you just roll damage dice. HP is then a buffer that resets after an encounter to absorb a hit or two. After that, characters and monsters start taking all damage to their strength stat, which provokes critical damage checks that can knock them out of combat.

    So, the result is that combat is very fast, a couple rounds at most, and very decisive/deadly without having the classic OSR issue of your 1 HP wizard dying because they ran into a cat.

  • I disagree with your definition of authoritarianism. 50.5% of a population voting to elect a representative or enact a referendum versus the 49.5% is authoritarianism. The same if the margin is 67-33, or 80-22 or 99.9 to 0.1. In any case, the minority is imposed upon by the majority. The individual is imposed upon by the collective, or even merely another individual.

    Like Engels said, the revolution is certainly an authoritarian endeavor. The original expropriation was authoritarian, and the counter-expropriation would be a counter-posing authoritarianism. How can you take something from someone without imposition? If asking nicely worked, then we wouldn’t be posting here.

    The opposite of authoritarianism isn’t democracy, but pure volunteerism. That would be nice.