• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Fair, I was confused by your parallell between religious groups (christianity, islam) vs ethnicities (amish or ethnic jews). Now that you clarified, your argument makes more sense to me.

    I agree with you - nobody should be displaced from their homes, even in the face of somebody elses “home claim”, since this would eternally perpetuate the same problem.

    There is some food for thought that follows from this reasoning also. The foundation/creation/growth of almost every nation/state (I’m sure there is some unique obscure one somewhere who can claim to be the first humans to settle their land) has involved displacing people, and almost every settled people has done so by displacing those who came before. Does this not mean almost every other past creation/perpetuation/growth of a state/nation/settled people was wrong? (Even the kurdish people settled their current territories by force, just a long, long time ago)

  • You mix up the religion Judaism with the ethnicity and culture. The jewish cultural and ethnic group is amongst the least religious peoples in the world, as many as 75% according to a study a few years back being atheist or agnostic (myself included).

    The various jewish ethnic groups do have genetic ties to a geographic area and have diseases almost entirely unique to that ancestry.

    That does however beg the question of whether ancestry is any sort of motivation to lay claim to an area of land in the first place. A question that can be endlessly debated and if accepted at face value opens up endless cans of worms. (How far back? Forever? Can it be lost? What if multiple peoples have claim to an area? etc. etc.)

  • Looks to be an average of 2 ppl per lane with 3m ahead & behind. An average biking speed for commuters is 18-29kph, so let’s do the calculus for 20, 25, & 30. This gives a throughput of 2x3x(20 or 25 or 30)/(3.6x6) ≈ (5.5 or 7 or 8.3) ppl/second

    Car occupancy is ~1.5ppl/car in the EU. Given that this is a german highway Average distance between cars ~3 lengths meaning 4x4.5m=18m/car. For a long time these roads had “no speed limit”, but the recommendation was ~130kph. Let’s conservatively use 120 & 100kph. This gives 1.5x3x(100 or 120)/(3.6x18) ≈ (7 or 8.3) ppl/second.

    Various things fudge the numbers in either direction, but that’s actually shockingly close between the two.

  • Mandatory

    not op but

    Religious school wants to teach creationism rather than evolution because it “goes against their beliefs” - law says they have to teach evolution because it’s part of the national curriculum (which in turn is science based) and are not allowed to give creationism equal weight.

    Religious school cries foul, says the government is bigoted and discriminating against their religion.

    Is this a case of intolerance that needs to be bashed?