• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • https://www.britannica.com/topic/Earth-First

    Earth First! was widely known for its tactics. It generally eschewed the lobbying and political deal-making associated with mainstream environmental organizations. Instead, its activists typically engaged in nonviolent direct action, such as civil disobedience to block environmentally harmful activities and “monkeywrenching” (the sabotage of machinery involved in environmental destruction). In the first years after the group’s formation, the use of direct actions—standing in front of bulldozers and putting spikes (e.g., metal rods or nails) in trees to prevent them from being cut—brought national news coverage to Earth First!. The group subsequently grew.

  • Eh. I’m a pretty plain vanilla middle aged lady and I do crimes on occasion. Not big crimes, but you can’t just not do crimes. Especially before weed was legal, lol. Some people live in states where it’s illegal to commit various consensual acts between consenting adults. They should do crimes. Some people need to not be pregnant, but they are pregnant and it’s illegal to become no longer pregnant where they are. They should do crimes. Some people are drag queens and live in places where that is a crime. Not all laws are good laws.

  • It was pretty tough working at a bakery stall at farmers markets when people were just starting to jump on the gluten free train. I’d have folks come up to me and start screaming at me that they needed spelt bread because of their celiac disease, and I was a heartless bitch for not having any. Explaining that spelt actually has more gluten than regular wheat was not a good idea, nor was explaining that to be safe for a person with celiac disease, bread would need to be 1) free of gluten containing grains, not just wheat and 2) baked in a facility where the air is not thick with wheat flour dust, depositing itself on every surface. “Give me my special bread! IT MAKES ME FEEL SPECIAL!!!”