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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Cool. At the time, it was one of the best. Although, I also liked sun-os.

    I also worked with VMS a lot after uni. Hated using it. But had to respect the ideals behind it.

    But watching the growth of Linux has been fantastic. In 2024. It does seem to have out evolved all the others. ( Evolved, defined as developed the ability to survive by becoming so freaking useful. )

    I am starting to think it is time for a micro kernel version, though.

  • Late 1990s my uni had unix workstations HPUX.

    So all projects etc were expected to be done on those. Linux at the time was the easy way to do it from home.

    By the time I left uni in 98. I was so used to it windows was a pain in the butt.

    For most of the time since I have been almost 100% linux. With just a dual boot to sort some hardware/firmware crap.

    Ham radio to this day. Many products can only do updates with windows.

  • With the amount of open bed, cheaper printers, a lot. Keeping them inside does not prevent them from entering the environment. As well we need to breath to start with, so airflow will take it outside. Add vacuum cleaning and waste disposal. Unless the plastics are trapped and melted into larger clumps. They get into the environment. This is why they are so dangerous.

    Even with enclosed printers. Unless very well filtered and some plan for disposal of that filter that prevents this. It’s just an extra delay.

    Some plastic types are better than others. And I honestly think development of thermo plastic replacements is better than stopping 3d printing.

  • I assume the complaint is actually related to attitudes at the time. Greek status etc show nude men and women. Because ancient Greek culture expressed no negativity towards bare breasts or shared nude bathing. So the artwork was never intended to be shocking. Greek Men amd women are known to have often shared public baths naked. And it is believed that women did not overly concern about covering both breasts in public.

    Where as the famous scene of Maralin Monroe was set upmby media to cause shock amd offence. Selling the model as a sexial object to be displayed to men who were not culturally expected to see random famous under garments,

  • Honestly. I assume if they vocally announced an policy. They worried the tories and media would successfully paint it as anti semitic.

    No matter how rubbish that may be. It would be hard to garrentee the media could not manage it. More so after corbyn.

    They likely considered no opinion to be less controversial and risky to the election then taking a side openly.

    Not sure id have agreed if asked at the time. But hard to argue now.

  • Yep pretty much but on a larger scale.

    1st please do not believe the bull that there was no problem. Many folks like me were paid to fix it before it was an issue. So other than a few companies, few saw the result, not because it did not exist. But because we were warned. People make jokes about the over panic. But if that had not happened, it would hav been years to fix, not days. Because without the panic, most corporations would have ignored it. Honestly, the panic scared shareholders. So boards of directors had to get experts to confirm the systems were compliant. And so much dependent crap was found running it was insane.

    But the exaggerations of planes falling out of the sky etc. Was also bull. Most systems would have failed but BSOD would be rare, but code would crash and some works with errors shutting it down cleanly, some undiscovered until a short while later. As accounting or other errors showed up.

    As other have said. The issue was that since the 1960s, computers were set up to treat years as 2 digits. So had no expectation to handle 2000 other than assume it was 1900. While from the early 90s most systems were built with ways to adapt to it. Not all were, as many were only developing top layer stuff. And many libraries etc had not been checked for this issue. Huge amounts of the infra of the world’s IT ran on legacy systems. Especially in the financial sector where I worked at the time.

    The internet was a fairly new thing. So often stuff had been running for decades with no one needing to change it. Or having any real knowledge of how it was coded. So folks like me were forced to hunt through code or often replace systems that were badly documented or more often not at all.

    A lot of modern software development practices grew out of discovering what a fucking mess can grow if people accept an “if it ain’t broke, don’t touch it” mentality.

  • Needs to be more media coverage of punishment for people giving medical advice with no qualifications.

    This man was convicted for killing children in AUS. Yet 17 months later, others fell for his crap.

    As a T1d its seems insane to me that any other diabetic would stop insulin. The muscle pain and inability to generate energy from high glucose is bad enough. Honestly, 3 days of slapping will be nothing compared to the pain she would be suffering at this point. Simple fact for those who do not understand the biology. Without insulin, your body is unable to generate any energy to operate your muscles or brain. As such muscles sends desperate signals to your brain to stop movement. At a time when the blood in your limbs organs and muscles is turning to treacle. Causing your joints to have other pain issues. While also harming all other organs. Hence, the term systemic disease. It fucks everything.

    This victim clearly needed more education as to what her body is going through in those times. But this is common around the world. Most T1ds have to demand explanations past “It’s a common issue with diabetics”. This is often all we hear from to busy doctors. So T1ds not understanding the details of their illness is forgivable.

    But the media really does need to be involved in scaring the shit out of medical quacks making false non evidenced claims against qualified advice. Alternative medicine gets a bad name from shitheads like this. Most practisers, while maybe often little more than placebo or sometimes just less refined herbalism using historical anecdotal support. They do tend to recognise they are at best additional to professional MDs. As such, encourage patients to ensure their treatments do not interfere with RXed solutions.

  • Again not covered by the EU agreement. Although a few EU members argue strongly for military unification. It was raised by many during brexit as a reason to leave the EU. So again unlikely to find full upport in the near future.

    Currently the supply of arms and weapons is totally uncovered by EU trade agreements. NATO has some agreements. But non that cover this.

    The thing people forget. International law dose not really exist beyond atual agreements nations are willing to commit to. Unfortunately as the world is a bloody long way from a utopia. Most nations are unwilling to agree to things that limit their own military actions. So nothing most other nations can do.

    The closest we ever came is post WW2 where the Geneva convention and ICC was set up.

    But as you can see. No nation is forced to abide by such rules. The US and Russia make i clear. Might makes right until some event leaves oa nation on the losing side of a battle with enough losses of resources to need help from other nations.

    What the rest of the world thinks in wars is still pretty much unimportant to the events.

  • Blasphemy quick stone the unbelievers.

    Kidding of course. Have to admit I agree. I’ve used Linux since the late 1990s. So long long before it was usable by most folks standards.

    I started because my university had HPUX machines that we needed to submit work on. So wanted a unix like enviroment at home I could work on. This was a tim when linux was basically slackers on 50plus floppy disks. Xwindows needed configuring for every monitor. Honestly by current standards usability was non existant compared to windows.

    But honestly I spent so much time on the system. And watched it improve. To the point I find windows an utter pain in the arse now. And will avoid it under all circumstances.

    But the idea of convincing folks who have no interest. Where the hell do folks find the time.