They understand that all of the major model providers is doing it, but since the major model providers are richer than they are, they can’t possibly ask OpenAI and friends to stop, so in their heads, it is what it is and therefore must be allowed to continue.
Or at least, that’s my face value read of it, I certainly hope I’m simplifying things too much.
I’ve been struggling with what the appropriate level of engagement for all the tech shit is.
I can stick to making fun of the AI crap and whatever else the tech people shit out because it’s tangible for me, and I can more or less be an effective gatekeeper for my community, but the problems go beyond just a bunch of rich tech weirdos floating bad ideas, it’s what they’re trying to paper over. The fact that they’re incompetent at it is very funny, but I’ve been laughing with gritted teeth for too long.