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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • Two hunters are walking through the woods. One hunter falls down, hits his head on a rock and gets knocked out.

    The other hunter freaks and gets out his cell phone and calls 911. When the operator picks up, the hunter says “Help! My buddy fell down and hit his head on a rock. He’s not moving! I think he’s dead!”

    The operator says, “You think he’s dead? He could still be alive! You need to make sure.”

    The hunter says okay and puts down the phone. The operator hears a gun shot. The hunter picks up the phone and says, “Okay, I made sure he’s dead, now what?”

  • If you want ground-level impressions, you might find this blog pretty interesting.

    The following are a series of social media interactions with an American serving in a volunteer, unpaid capacity on the front line in Ukraine.

    Q. Who are the other team members? A. The team consists of five individuals: Chris (American, team leader) UV (American) Carlos (Colombian) Ian (British) Antin (Ukrainian)

    There’s been 3-4 other team members that have come and gone, and at times a drone operator has been temporarily attached.

    Q. How does the team operate? A. The team typically receives a mission order and then goes into 1-2 days of planning. The mission can last up to two weeks, but is typically just over a week in length. The team has been pulled out early at least once when Russian forces boxed them in and left them with no room to maneuver.

    Usually UV will return from a mission, rest and eat, and then start recording his thoughts in a long DM. He and I talk about it, and then he will usually talk to several other people as a means of unwinding. All of this interaction goes into the blog.

  • Here’s the political calculus for Democrats:

    This appears to be a very unusual election. Normally Democrats lead with young voters, and Republicans lead with older voters. But this year, Biden has gained ground with older voters even while losing ground with young voters.

    So the first thing to consider is that Biden is trying harder to appeal to older voters than usual for Democrats, and older voters are more likely to support Israel.

    Furthermore, older voters are much more likely to vote, which is good news for Biden. This also means that Biden has less reason to maximize turnout than previous Democrats.

    The obvious question is why doesn’t Biden try to win over young and older voters? I’m sure he would like to, but supporting Palestine isn’t the way to do it. Surprisingly, young voters actually don’t care that much about Gaza. Furthermore, according to that article “young voters who wanted Biden to pressure Israel to stop attacking Gaza would vote for him at about the same rate as those who didn’t.” So supporting Palestine might just be downside risk with older voters.

    Putting all this together, and the political calculus favors appealing to older voters on Israel, and trying to find some other issue to win back young voters.

  • unrealistic to expect businesses to give up a small portion of their infinite growth targets

    Almost no restaurants, including fast food restaurants, have infinite growth targets. A lot of them are struggling to survive.

    From a business perspective, most fast food franchises are mom-and-pop locations. They are not owned by a giant corporation. The giant corporation simply sells them ingredients and sets their menu.

  • The wages of fast food workers have been increasing over the past decade. Ten years ago, their median wage was $8.69/hr. Today, it’s over $14/hr. In California, the minimum is now $20/hr.

    Increased wages for low income workers are good, since they have outpaced inflation. But they will inevitably result in increased prices. It’s unrealistic to expect the employer to absorb all of the increased costs.

    And fast food employers often couldn’t absorb the wage increases even if they wanted to. Remember, a McDonald’s employee isn’t paid by McDonald’s HQ, they are paid by the person who runs the individual location, who is also paying McDonald’s HQ for ingredients. Some of the franchise owners are doing well, some of them aren’t, but all of them are going to raise prices.

    In other words, if you don’t want to pay more for fast food, then you don’t actually want to see fast food workers earn a better wage.