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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • FarFarAway@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlOh balls
    1 year ago

    I mean, in reality I would assume this would be it’s purpose. But when put next to a picture of, what seems to be, him outside, the mind starts to wander.

    Obviously, disabled and handicapped people also go outside, so it’s silly to generalize…the posted picture just doesn’t help the picture in my mind go to appropriate places…

  • This is disgusting. Hopefully this whole thing fails before Texas can enact the law.

    As for teachers still being underpaid, that is the point. They are trying to gut public schools. All the teachers will need to make the switch to a private school, eventually, because that’s where the demand will be.

    The state will continue this voucher program until the majority of people have moved their children to private schools. Public schools will be left in a state of disrepair once they loose funding for every student that makes the switch.

    The private schools will gradually raise tuition so that parents are paying as much as they can afford, even with the voucher. After everyone has move thier child over, they will discontinue the voucher program.

    If the parents want their child to continue in a school that does any good, they will pay out thier ears. Everyone else will end up paying a huge chunk of thier check to send their child to whatever mediocre school is within their budget, or else they will have to go back to public school, which is now a underfunded shitshow.

    Edit: some spelling

  • Assuming you are in the US. We just went through this with a family member. Her mental decline happened in the matter of a few months, following an accident. They had a prior TBI, and something just snapped, I don’t know.

    I can’t attest to how to get a dementia diagnosis. Their decline was completely atypical of regular dementia, but it did meet the technical definition. They were admited to the hospital and it took a long time for the doctors to really pick up on it. Instead of answering the questions, they would just get hostile. Eventually, things would slip, but we had a really hard time getting a straight diagnosis, even though staff treated her as a dementia patient.

    As someone else mentioned here, you need to find out who, if anyone, will be granted power of attorney and medical power of attorney, if he is diagnosed. Technically, if he is diagnosed, they will have complete control over his finances and medical decisions. If he has made no plans to transfer POA / MPOA, you / your family will independently need to pay for any and all care. (Although you may have to anyways, as rules will vary state by state, for who is responsible for the bills). I would consult a lawyer that specializes in elder care. There may also be a regional government elder care department that maybe able to give you some information.

    Getting a guardianship can take years, and emergency guardianship only lasts for a few days. If there is no one designated, and your grandfather is not willing / able to sign the forms… as someone told us, “Oh, your in a pickle.” If it comes to this, he will have to have progressed pretty far with the disease for any doctor to sign the paperwork. Guardianship means that all rights are stripped from them and given to someone else. Even though the guardian will have to submit to regular audits, people still abuse the position, and the doctors also have a responsibility to safeguard against this.

    If he has dementia, medicaid will help cover costs, but you need POA to apply for him. If he has retirement money, you cannot access it without POA. If you can not pay, no place will take him. Full stop, unless someone takes pity on you and you can work out a deal of some sorts.

    Medicare will pay for about 20 day in full, and up to 100 days partially, with stipulations, if there is a 3 day hospital stay involved. Fyi. Hospitals in the US must discharge to a safe place. If the home is “not safe” they cannot force you to take them home regardless of what they say. They will threaten to kick them out of the hospital, they will threaten guardianship, they will try to guilt you. If you can not care for them, then refuse to take them and tell them it is “not safe”. Do not sign discharge papers until you consult a lawyer.

    Care homes will need to specialize in dementia, or they will not take him, so your options will be limited. Hobestly, I think it ultimately has to do with fire safety.

    I’m sorry if this is scary, but it’s been a nightmare for us, and I don’t wish this on anyone else. The sooner you start preparing, the smoother it will go once the time comes. You really have to be at the top of your game to navigate the (again US) medical system, if your trying to care for someone else. Of course, in this country, it all comes down to how much money you have.

    Good luck.

  • FarFarAway@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldNever forget.
    1 year ago

    They don’t care. But they also don’t realize that those paid armies are gonna turn on them real fast. What are they gonna pay the guards with when money is useless? Even if they hold some leverage, I bet most would crumble if the guards violently pried it away.

  • Everyone mentions cognitive abilities, which is also important, but really physical abilities should be tested as well.

    Here in america, My 89 y.o. grandmother (at the time) used canes to get around. Got her license renewed just by a written test, no one batted an eye. The fact that she “walked” in was enough and no one saw that she would physically have to pull her leg up to push the brake pedal.

    She got into quite a few fender benders after that, and 1 pretty bad accident that totalled her car. That bad accident was responsible for a huge decline in health. She cant drive any longer, but between the insurance and the burden on family to support her ailing health, it all could have been avoided if they required a doctor’s signature for renewal.

    I do realize that something like this takes away from feeling independent and maintaining autonomy, and i feel for that. It sucks that part of growing old is…well, growing old, but should those emotions outweigh personal and public safety?