• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I looked into this a long time ago, it would’ve been more expensive to fake it than it was to just do it.

    We would’ve needed to somehow convince Russia to lie on our behalf. We would’ve needed to convince the dictatorship of australia to also lie on our behalf.

    The rooskies came out and said we beat them to it, and the aussies claimed they recived the camera feed and the audio feed from space and then echoed it to their TV network

  • discovering how physics works doesn’t necessarily dis-prove the existence of a supreme being that designed the laws of physics

    I’ve said many times in my life that I hate all religion…But Jesus lives under one of the couches in my house so I guess he might be real.

    I asked him what he was doing down there and he told me “I’m hiding from the Christians”

    He likes to watch me play video games, but he can’t drive himself to actually play any of them. He doesn’t like violence…not even computer-simulated violence.

  • Hey addicts! Here’s some inspiration

    My great grandfather started smoking when he was very young. One day he got a call from his wife’s doctor that she had asthma.

    He quit smoking cold turkey half way through a cigarette and kept that half-empty pack of cigarettes with one half-smoked on his dresser for the rest of his life and never touched tobacco again.

    You can stop drinking and smoking, do it!

  • And not just that, but each distro of linux has its own quirks and each one is compatible with a different list of brands of hardware. you could brick your system if you install the wrong distro on the wrong hardware, like down to the bios

    And contrary to popular belief, LINUX CAN GET MALWARE JUST AS EASILY AS WINDOWS CAN.

    With windows, there’s a 30 year history of malware infections and there’s several good choices for windows based antivirus programs, and three amazing ones. The people who work at those antivirus companies know how vulnerable windows is and so they’re always working on improving their software…at least the good ones are, but those same antivirus programs on linux don’t have nearly as much stuff in them to fight against APTs most linux versions of great antivirus programs like comodo and kaspersky are gutted down to just a regular antivirus with heuristics, no zero-day threat protection at all, you’re completely dependent on how fast the new malware can get added to the blacklist.

    But on windows, if you use comodo and know how to configure it and understand that it will never pop up unless something might be wrong, you’re always prepared for zero-day threats and even zero-hour threats.

    Linux used to be super secure, simply because there were so few people using it or even aware of it, but with every linux distro being open source, malware-makers can make all kinds of exploit kits for it in record time, because there’s no trial an error like there is on windows, at this point in time, no antivirus company is really prepared to deal with zero-day linux malware.

    But windows users, even stupid ones know that you need an antivirus program on windows. So the malware-makers have to play a cat-and-mouse game with windows malware if they hit a decent number of systems with their malware, that malware isn’t going to be unknown for very long. And antivirus companies like bitdefender and avira, the former of which is great at adding new samples to the blacklist at super speed, and avira which isn’t as good at that anymore because they got bought by…norton? If I remember correctly, they rent their database out to other antivirus companies, Eset, another really good detector of new malware also rents their database out to other antivirus companies.

    ClamAV is good at detecting linux based malware…as far as I’ve heard, but it’s useless against anything unknown to it.

    windows is a pain in the ass to detail with…but that’s only if you don’t know how to work with it. Linux can be that way too. If there’s a bug in some software that fucks up parts of your OS, there’s not much support you can get from local techs, but if something like that happens with windows, there’s loads of freelance independent computer techs out there that know how to fix it.

    Linux is cool, if you can make it work for you, great! But don’t act like windows is worthless. There’s ways to deal with the bloat, and there’s endless amounts of free advice on countless forums across the entire internet on how to deal with problems that come up