She’s a great science communicator. Another famous Youtuber (Captain D) called her “the Jenny Nicholson of science” her Dark Matter video is my favorite, though her Gell-Mann Amnesia video is a “must watch” imho.
Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
She’s a great science communicator. Another famous Youtuber (Captain D) called her “the Jenny Nicholson of science” her Dark Matter video is my favorite, though her Gell-Mann Amnesia video is a “must watch” imho.
I gotta say, the moon’s really starting to sound like a fucking snitch.
Serve and Protect (the rich and their property through a taxpayer subsidy)
No one reads the fine print.
OP don’t lie, we all know you stole this from Old Gregg’s Cave. This is perfect.
It’s just a mask at this point. As soon as all the public services are privatized, along with military, and elections can be bought, what is a government at that point? Where is the distinction if they’re all paid off by the same people? At this point it’s become a sport for the ultra-wealthy to just buy countries like a sports team. Trump is even wheeling and dealing to buy other countries, this is how shallow the meaning of nation has become. America: sponsored by Musk and Thiel.
Americans absolutely did not vote for this! You call an election where one man can pay out a quarter billion - legally - a fair election? Do you think 90% of Russians vote for Putin too? We’re cooked and getting more cooked. Point and laugh and act like this isn’t bad news for the world.
We keep limiting ourselves to just citizens in nations, we’re going to keep repeating the same patterns nations repeat. Genocide still happens, war still happens, and the collective problem of climate change looms large. No one nation, not even America, is a match for the power these corporations have. We have no newspapers, free press is close to dead, and we’re uneducated. Anyone pinning their hopes on America figuring anything out doesn’t know how misinformed we are. If we can’t come together now, when we’re finally all connected, with the ability to instantly translate each other’s words, is it crazy to think we can do a little better?
You act like it’s an America problem and not a billionaire problem. Where do you live that you think the same billionaires don’t own you too?
We need to transcend nations before we all die and a handful of oligarchs have power forever.
I was wondering… like, ok asshole, you go back 2,400 years ago and see what you can make besides a mess in your pants.
I bet Elon can buy this election for just 10-20 million.
This isn’t true, the duck is just much closer…
The only thing you should post in those comments is:
Dark Matter
Where is it?
How much?
Where is it?
How much?