• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Thanks, I’m thinking I might go with Linux Mint on the desktop PC for running the server, and playing the games. Then once that’s set up, test out libreELEC on the laptop for running Kodi. My only concern would be that the laptop is (old) wifi only, so if it’s streaming across the network instead of on the same machine it might be slow. But if it doesn’t work out I should be able to easily switch to running Kodi on the desktop and retire the laptop.

  • I like the idea of separating fontend/backend. I’m not looking to do a hardware change but currently I have a desktop PC and an old laptop both connected to the TV. I was thinking of having the desktop take over as server/HTPC/everything, but I could move the server/games to the desktop and keep Kodi on the old laptop. Refreshing the OS on the laptop will be a lot easier once the server is not tied to it.

    I have a PC remote that does TV stuff as well as acts as a keyboard/mouse/Kodi controller. It’s a pretty great setup, I just need to stabilise it a bit as it was hacked together in a hurry.

  • I’ve struggled with keyboards. Some to try out are OpenBoard, Heliboard, and Florisboard. All are on F-Droid.

    But my favourite so far is FUTO Keyboard. Not without issues but I like it the best. It’s not on F-Droid but you can use Obtanium to keep it up to date from the GitHub releases.

    If you like weird shit, check out Thumb-key. It’s on F-Droid and made by one of the Lemmy developers.

  • Nah, this is a relatively new public holiday that we’ve only been observing since 2022. It’s called Matariki. Here’s the summary:

    Historically, Matariki was usually celebrated for a period of days during the last quarter of the moon of the lunar month Pipiri (around June). The ceremony involved viewing the individual stars for forecasts of the year to come, mourning the deceased of the past year, and making an offering of food to replenish the stars. Some Māori use the rise of Puanga (Rigel) or other stars to mark the new year.

    Celebration of Matariki declined during the 20th century, but beginning in the early 1990s it underwent a revival. Matariki was first celebrated as an official public holiday in New Zealand on 24 June 2022.

    It was originally proposed to replace our Queen’s Birthday public holiday, but in the end we got both.

  • I mean I guess you are supposed to take it to your computer repair shop and tell them it won’t stop playing Für Elise, and the shop is supposed to recognise it as a failure of CPU fan signal. If it just beeped a few times on startup then people would ignore it, and if it beeped constantly then well maybe Für Elise is nicer.

  • Haha I remember the days of downloading random EXEs off the internet and running them to see what they do (also the days of CD-rom drives).

    My auntie somehow managed to get a virus that played Für Elise through the motherboard speaker and never stopped so long as the thing was on. I don’t think they ever solved it, in the end they just got a new PC.