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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Kia and Hyundai are the most stolen cars in North America due to missing basic security measures like steering wheel locks and the ability to spoof the key fob with a cell phone. You could also take a Hyundai or Kia that is near it’s fob and just drive off in it. There was no proximity shut off until a recent OTA update, and it didn’t work on every model

    They’re cheap in NA and they’re likely to stay that way until they add proper security measures. In response, both State Farm and Allstate have raised insurance rates on Hyundai and Kia made after 2015. They’re cheaper because they cut corners, and the end customer foots the bill on the insurance side

  • While I agree with the sentiment, Trump did lose by millions of votes. There was a 7.61 million vote differential. He also lost the popular vote to Hillary by 2.9 million votes.

    Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

    Going back further, incumbency aside, there hasn’t been a Republican who has won the popular vote since GHW Bush in 1988…35 years ago

  • Not even kind of close. Legal gun owners can be responsible and law abiding citizens, but you know the ones everyone hears about are not that kind of person. Why don’t the good and wholesome law abiding gun owners root these people out? Is it because a significant segment of that population shouldn’t own guns, even if they say THEY aren’t the problem?

    To put it simply… If you had a Gatling gun on your vehicle, would you have used it by now? Most of us would admittedly say yes. Most of us, given unfettered access and anonymity, would have at least thought about doing something really stupid and illegal if everyone had Gatling guns mounted on their vehicles.

    Most of us would have killed someone if the likelihood of being caught was minimal… Which is why unfettered and semi anonymous access to firearms is an awful idea

  • Toyota is one of the largest auto makers in the history of the world. They’re practically their own government, and have more than enough money bankroll a burgeoning technology tree. To say they fucked up by testing a brand new technology and developing it in-house, seemingly on their own until recently (BMW and Mercedes have both joined Toyota in their development process within the last 5 years) is bonkers.

    Any new technology or idea generally has a long road to maturity. You wouldn’t say the quest for quantum computing or the unified field theory are complete wastes of time and money when we’re discovering things along the way. Hydrogen may not work out for your consumer vehicle, but it absolutely works better than electric for those trans-oceanic container ships and shooting rockets to the moon.