This is a quote from the play The Fever by Wallace Shawn. The play depicts a person who becomes sick while struggling to find a morally consistent way to live when faced with injustice, and harshly criticizes the United States’ record in supporting the murder of communists and socialists. The play ends by saying that only blood spilled on their doorsteps will bring the complacent rich to change their selfish ways (which the NYT didn’t like for being too radical).
Wallace Shawn is a socialist, Jewish actor and playwright who has:
No, the joke is that they are getting rid of bourgeois influence in exchange for this stuff.
This is only possible because you can run off into a national park, which is the exact opposite of capitalism.
The issue is that dollars do not make weapons via alchemy, Europe spent shittons of money on of artillery shells to Ukraine, just to raise the price of existing shells without making any more new ones.
Buy the time you save for 10 months, you can just save a couple more months and buy the newly released upgraded version of that GPU.
IDK, can someone else answer?