• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • When I was young (think middle school) I would read 3-4 books at a time. Not because I like the challenge but because I got bored or the book had larger or more complex words that I was not familiar with. So I would take a break from it and try another.

    Nowadays I treat audiobooks the same as I did when I was young. I also read book I really want to read one at a time these days. I have liked savoring the story a bit more or reflecting on what I read a bit more than just trying to read the book, this has allowed me to get through books that when I was younger I would avoided for the slow pace.

    Now if I truly detest a book for any number of reasons I will drop it. It doesn’t mean I won’t go back to finish it, but the best example is Wheel of time by Robert Jordan. I got to book 7 and I finally had, had enough. I just could not deal with the amount of groups he would switch between to tell his stories. The books and story aren’t bad, I just go tired of dealing with it.

    Edits: for grammar and clarity.

  • I’m not going to vote on this, but I will say this feels more like an attack (based solely on language used) than an unpopular opinion to drum up discussion and conversation. While you are valid in having your option heard I’m not sure you’ll get a lot of people on your side based on this.

    That aside, I can understand having characters that are based on a caricature of a profession or personality, not being something you like, but that is part of how comedy and story telling works, you need to get people invested by trying to tell a story. Are the characters deep wells of emotional storytelling and emotion, some are, but not all. I won’t change your mind, but I feel like taking a moment to understand what the Henson company is trying to vs the perceived hate over its basic nature might help a bit in giving you a bit more of a nuanced opinion.

    Edits: for gammer and clairity

  • I love coffee, but as I’ve gotten older acid reflux has been a more common issue that I must remedy. I currently drink a loose-leaf oolong green tea, called “milk oolong” it’s gentle on my stomach and provides me with some caffeine, and I make enough to last me most of the day in a double insulated mug. During the spring and summer I cold-steep 10 bags of Lipton’s black tea in a large pitcher over night and use that for the next 2-3 days.

  • I realized too late in my life that friendships of any kind or flavor all have a lifespan. This can mean anything, five minutes in line at the movies, childhood into high school, a semester of college, or your whole life.

    Context: the friends I’ve (m35) had since childhood and into my adulthood have slowly and silently withered away due a multitude of reasons but mostly because we each have things going on in our life and those had taken precedence over cultivating and caring for our friendships. Sure we text for holidays or birthdays, but it all feels hollow compared to what we had together for literal decades.

  • I guess I’ll bite.

    I’ve been with my wife since high school and we married after 7 years. So all-in-all, in total we’ve been together 16 years and have one kid. After all of the time invested and my age now, having more than one partner sounds exhausting.

    If I was able to do it over differently, I don’t think I would. I grew up catholic, so the idea of monogamy was part of my upbringing. But having had access to the early internet I was exposed to just about anything you could imagine. Having read and listened to many people talk about poly relationships in my younger years, while enticing to have more than one partner, it still sounded harder to deal with or navigate than one person.

  • Since I can’t edit my post (not sure why, just can’t) this parent post should help people.

    My leaving Fedora and by extension RH, mostly is about not supporting in any meaningful capacity any associated with RH. My hope is to find something similar to Fedora, I’m getting a lot of recommendations about OpenSUSE tumbleweed and endeavorOS. Since my setup is AMD CPU/GPU it seems while not the perfect choice POP!_OS isn’t for me. I think as long as the distro supports vanilla Gnome or as close as possible would be great.