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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023

  • You’re really proving their point here. You’re starting with the false assumption that both sides have good ideas, and the best solution must be somewhere in the middle. If one side’s platform is based entirely on lies, this is an idiotic position to take. It’s an ideology for privileged autofellatio enthusiasts who haven’t bothered to really figure out what’s going on, because it’s much easier to just pretend you’re the smart one, and everyone’s getting upset over nothing.

  • I picked up “Yakuza 0” on sale not too long ago, and I’m enjoying it so much that I picked up the rest of the remastered series while it was on sale. Based on how long I’m spending mucking around in the first one, It may take me the rest of my life to get through them all. I don’t know how “Like a Dragon” compares to the earlier games, but I really enjoy the narrative, combat, sub-stories, and mini-games in “0”.

    As an aside, I really enjoy a well-done pool mini-game. I probably spent more time playing pool in the various space stations in “Rebel Galaxy Outlaw” than doing anything else. Likewise, Kiryu spends a lot of time in the pool hall, as well as hanging around the batting cages, and fine-tuning his pocket racers.

  • Sorry to take so long to respond! It’s a novel set in a plausible near-future in which existing power structures have been fragmented by the effects of climate change. It follows a handful of disparate characters in the western US, and talks a lot about the water politics of the Colorado river. It’s very well-written (claims random internet guy, but hey—you asked!). Can also recommend The Windup Girl by the same author. Same eco-dystopian timeline, set in Thailand. Delves more into issues surrounding AI and genetic engineering.

  • I’m not your bro, and I don’t believe you’re arguing in good faith. This particular clumsy mix of buzzwords certainly doesn’t make you sound like a human being. I’ll address this one more time, and then never engage with you again.

    Your argument , you entire refusal to hold Democrats accountable by being critical of them and withholding your support to force them to come to you, it’s why we’re in this mess.

    My decision to vote for the only viable candidate who doesn’t obviously intend to dismantle all democratic institutions hardly constitutes a refusal to hold Democrats accountable. Those are the stakes in this particular election. The direct result of the action you’re advocating would be to hand power to an aspiring dictator.

    YOU are the white moderate MLK warned us about.

    You argue like a fash—completely unsupported assertions bolstered by oafish emotional appeals. I’m done with you.

  • people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

    So Democrats?

    Oh, no, this is embarrassing. It’s you. I was talking about you. Sorry, I thought that was clear. The mistake dipshits like you always make is this emotional appeal:

    You are fucking delusional if you think Democrats are working on your side.

    No shit, a political party is not “on your side.” This kind of rhetoric betrays such a childish approach to politics. That’s not how any of this works.

    It’s a binary choice, and you’re shilling for fascism. It’s anyone’s guess whether or not that’s your intention—but that really doesn’t matter to anyone but you.

  • Carlo@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldRelatable
    4 months ago

    Yeah, I was a big fan of lotr and the hobbit growing up (the books). I thought the lotr films were excellent, overall. Of course, they couldn’t include everything, and there were some minor deviations, but pretty damned good.

    The Hobbit movies were hot garbage, imo. They diverge wildly from the book, and are very often indistinguishable from video game cut scenes.

  • Republicans have gotten more done in minority positions than Democrats have when in majority position over the past 20 years.

    Accepting this premise, the things Republicans have gotten done have been objectively detrimental to humanity. The direct result of not voting for Democrats is electing more Republicans. This is the reality that currently exists. No amount of self-righteous rhetoric will alter that. So if you’re going to continue disseminating this ill-considered garbage, just face the fact that you’re effectively a Trump supporter.

    Honestly, I have more respect for maga types than for people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

  • Carlo@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldQuicksaves...
    5 months ago

    Yes, if you’re at that point in the main story, it’s a great time to take a break and do a bunch of side quests. Come back to it when you’re better prepared.

    So I shouldn’t be that upset that 1v1 bandits are very hard and anything more is actually impossible for me?

    Nope, totally in line with my experience. It takes a fair amount of practice before Henry can consistently beat anybody, and you always have to be careful fighting groups of enemies. I would suggest picking a weapon type you like, and training with Bernard until you can consistently execute a perfect block. That’s a real game-changer in any fight. If you run out of stamina, you’re going to die.

    Mace or axe paired with a shield is probably the most forgiving style. You can bash your way through any fight, provided you keep your guard up, and don’t let anyone get behind you. For taking on groups, you have a few options, but you’ll generally want to string out the enemy so you’re not taking on more than one or two at a time.

    Archery is very powerful if you get good at it, but it takes a fair bit of practice just to get to competent. Get yourself a decent pair of gloves or bracers that you like, and you can use the contours to help line up where your arrow will go. Don’t try to use a bow that you’re not strong or dextrous enough to draw yet. Once you can hit the bullseye at the Rattay archery range pretty consistently, work on hitting the moving targets on the river up in Ledetchko. Hunting game in the woods is also a good way to practice. Just make sure you bring plenty of arrows!

    Stealth is often very handy, and once you skill it up a bit, you can do silent takedowns with a dagger. In this way, you can carefully clear out bandit and Cuman camps at night, and scoop up lots of gear to sell. Several of the millers will be able to train you in stealth and lockpicking.

    If you steal anything expensive, your best bet is to stash it in your chest at home until it no longer appears stolen. This will take longer for more valuable objects. If you’re desperate for cash, the millers will fence it for you at a steep discount. Invest in some good saddlebags as soon as you can—you can find them at the stables in Merhojed, Neuhof, and Uzhitz.

    Be especially careful in the western part of the map; some of the bandits you’ll encounter there will be very well-equipped and well-trained mercenaries. Sometimes you’ll stumble upon a small battle between bandits, cumans, and/or local guardsmen. These can be opportunities to scoop up some loot without doing the fighting. Just be careful; guards won’t look kindly on you stripping their comrades’ bodies. This can also be a good way to deal with groups of enemies; make them chase you into a guarded settlement.

    All I can think of at the moment—hope it helps!

    ETA: just remembered one thing I wish I’d known early on. While the vast majority of quests aren’t time-sensitive, some are, so pay attention to the quest text. Also, minor oblique spoiler: >!a few quests related to your friends from Skalitz will turn out differently depending on how long you put them off.!< The game doesn’t really tell you this, and it can be a real gut-punch down the line.