Dropping SepiaSearch here as well. Peertube search.
Is that the new thing?
Yeah, all EFTA members have veto rights towards new members, and you’re pretty much correct but it’s even worse. The UK economy is bigger than all other EFTA countries combined. There’s no way they’d let the UK in.
Norway is a rule taker that pays into the EU without any influence. They’re also tiny and they know it. This is said with love from a neighbour who would love to see Norway join the EU.
I don’t think the UKs collective ego would allow them to join on Norway terms.
This community is the biggest one by far. Shutting this would be bad IMHO. Is there a way to move it to another instance?
I do. That’s the correct name/spelling in Swedish.
Hate to be the one to break these news to you, but the UK is no longer an EU member state.
Who are “we” in this context?
I’m saddened by the result. I wonder what the cause is for this.
No issue using Firefox with uBlock and PrivacyBadger. Article is there, but not much else.
I think I’d make a very poor moderator. I think I’d make a better contribution to the community by submitting links.
I think more moderators are needed.
And people still vote for them. Infuriating.
Russia isn’t pro Islam. Russia is funding everything that could cause trouble for the west. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if Russia funded both sides just to create conflict.
Russia funding the far right is well established.
Not to take any blame away from the terrorist, but this is what the organisers hope for.
And Putin is jumping with joy. Anything that divide us is good for him. Wouldn’t surprise me if Russia funded the organisers.
Mars climate orbiter.
It also fails to mention that the organising group is far right. So maybe it evens out?
Define “safely”. Births are risky at the best of times.
That’s a shame, I still remember mine. Weird how you can remember 7 random digits from 30 years ago…
I don’t change the headline generally, but I also didn’t catch that it wasn’t “the real” matrix.