I don’t know. It takes a while to get organized but I have confidence that they’ll get there. At least based on what I’m seeing at the moment. Could obviously still just slowly die down again. Time will tell.
I don’t know. It takes a while to get organized but I have confidence that they’ll get there. At least based on what I’m seeing at the moment. Could obviously still just slowly die down again. Time will tell.
Sadly a lot if not most of these changes will take generations to reverse. It’s the sad reality of things.
The main good thing I am taking from the news currently is that as far as I can tell the people won’t accept this for very long. Can’t quite yet tell how or what will happen, but I’d be surprised if the current regime are still in power in the same way 1-2 years from now. The protest are amping up at an intense speed, the videos coming out of the few republicans still giving town halls feel like the crowd is a pot about to boil over.
Makes sense. This is doing decades of damage. Plenty of past groundbreaking research came out of the US. But I get it. I wouldn’t want to move to the US either for very much the same reasons. Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of paid holidays and gun safety would be the main reasons. Lack of food regulation would also be a concern. And now the current regime and the way too large chunk of the population that still seems happy with it means we put even tourist travel plans to the US on hold. Too scary at the moment. Trying to help the best I can from here, but there’s only so much you can do at a distance.
All numbers I’ve seen for record applications were for high level research and university level teaching. Maybe the medical doctors mainly moved states? At least I haven’t seen them making headlines about moving to Europe.
And as far as I’ve seen the numbers it’s working too. Anywhere in Europe that is academic or sciency is seeing record numbers of Americans applying. The brain drain will be real.
Yes he will make people suffer regardless, but I am referring to a difference in the scale of suffering here. There’s ways for him to think he has won without actually winning. Plenty of leaders have used it against him already. Though admittedly this would work better if the media then didn’t follow up with “Haha. Cheeto doesn’t even know he didn’t win”. We might not be able to escape that one for the more public parts of politics. Though he’s trying hard to cut off the media that isn’t on his side and silence them, so who knows really.
Because this particular angry geriatric toddler has access to a lot of ways to make people suffer on a large scale and delights in the suffering of people. Sure, making him feel miserable feels great, but how many lives are you willing to sacrifice for it?
I got banned from a vegan group once because I responded to a person talking about how “non-vegans must be sociopaths to not care about all the suffering of animals as they scream in pain” or something like that. I responded with a link to a study that plants do in fact scream when being injured. We just can’t hear it. Apparently they didn’t like that, lol.
Edit to add: I didn’t just respond with a link. But something like “As much as I appreciate veganism I am not sure what to tell you. Because if avoiding screaming and suffering in your food source is the reason you became vegan I do have some bad news <link>”
This comment just made my week.