
  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • They might have been asking about methane production, that’s a big topic for cattle because it’s a very potent greenhouse gas and having a lot of cattle produces a lot of methane - and it’s a byproduct of how their digestive systems work and all ruminants, sheep included, have that problem to some degree.

    I wasn’t able to find a definitive answer, but per animal sheep aren’t as bad, but it’s due to their smaller size and if western countries kept eating the same amount of meat but ate more sheep (due to it being cheaper from the demand for sheep condoms, lol) instead of beef I’m not sure it would be better. (Replacing chicken with sheep would definitely be worse though.)

  • As a vegetarian I’m not 100% certain I should be eating this. It includes “chicken flavoring (list of seemingly vegetarian, but not vegan ingredients),” on the back and I think it’s fine so I YOLO’d it. This flavor combo made me go looking for specifically chicken in the ingredients list, and I suspect it’s more British takeout inspired. Although this is for the US market and you might be right about the average American consumer.

    I’ve definitely seen “real cheese” labels on pepperoni and other clearly has meat pizzas before, it’s a stupid marketing thing. Because once one company does it, it makes you wonder if the others pizzas are also made with “real cheese”, and some people actually care if it’s not despite the fact that 100% of a frozen pizza is Manufactured Food Product™.

  • Well, there’s that, and also because (in the case of World) it’s the largest single site employer in the country - whatever they’re paying is literally the minimum wage everyone else can get away with paying, because Disney is always hiring for something and the vast majority of people can just go work there if they’d make more money. Their unions try, but Orlando is fucked.