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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Nah. It’s something they don’t get bent out of shape for for any other religious artwork. Like nobody is up in arms about the memes of that shitty restoration of the picture of Jesus

    There’s plenty of satirical art/speech/expression about Christianity and people don’t go through life being enraged at all of it until they’re told to have that opinion by media.

    Plus, from what I understand, the only “sacrilegious” element was that there were drag performers doing it? There’s not even anything inherently anti-christian there except in that wearing the other gender’s clothing is prohibited in like 3 verses. But again, people aren’t typically upset by the identity of the author except in this case. Christians are only so vehemently anti-drag in the US because of media spoon feeding them opinions.

    Other examples they dont get mad about

    Or infinitely many others including ones with RuPaul, futurama, rick and morty, marvel, the charmin bears, pretty much any IP you can name has a version of this somebody made of it that is equally “sacrilegious”.

  • There aren’t comics afaik and, thankfully, the Jodorowsky monstrosity didn’t get made.

    I mean, sure, but it’s half of a story. So much of the criticism I saw totally left out that it was part 1 of 2. I ask because it’d be like watching The Fellowship of the Ring and being upset that it was just a story about some midgets going on a hike - it’s a take you could only have if you weren’t at all familiar with the source material or even generally what it’s about. It’s not an invalid take, necessarily, but it is one that ignores that it’s only one part of a larger story. Dune Pt 1 was also a slower burn, and it’s totally valid to dislike that sort of movie.

    I hope you watch the second one and can appreciate the first one as part of that context. Dune (the book, not just the movies) is very good for a lot of reasons and was incredibly influential on sci-fi as a whole. It’s obviously fine not to like it, of course, but as a lifelong fan, I just want everyone to give it a chance.

    Edit: there are comics actually. Huh.

  • Mainly just be properly equipped for the weather/terrain. Make sure to get a decent pair of hiking boots and break them in before your trip. Socks are important, too - need moisture wicking materials, so dont wear cotton socks. Don’t bring too much food and water - i.e. Don’t go overboard with it. 1 liter per person per hour is a good guideline. Be sure to actually drink it, too. Don’t want to be carrying all that water weight the whole hike. Hiking poles can be really useful for difficult terrain, but they also just improve your efficiency by taking some of the weight off your legs. Bring rain gear like FrogToggs if it’s likely to rain. You want to stay dry as much as you can.

    If you’re in the US, the national parks are really great. State parks are also a good resource. If you can make a trip out west to Utah/Colorado, the parks there are great (maybe wait until Summer’s over to go to Utah, though). The northern parks are great too - Wyoming and Montana are really nice.

  • The attacks aren’t aimed at the criticism of Biden. They’re aimed at the result of that criticism. People want everyone who reads that criticism to understand that, obviously, Trump is worse in many, many ways, even if he were the same as Biden on Palestine.

    He isn’t the same. He’s worse and has said as much. Leading politicians in his party have suggested using nukes on Palestine, etc. etc. But even being equal on this one point, he’d still be so much worse overall for everyone. So people want to stop those potential outcomes of criticism, not the criticism.

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Yeah
    4 months ago

    The expectation is for other people (voters) to hear these things, realize that there are some (and can potentially be more) politicians who will do what is in their best interest, and change their voting patterns.

    Many people do not believe things can change for the better because they have literally not seen anything in society change for the better in their entire lives.

    The last time I saw something actually change for the better in a major way was the legalization of gay marriage. Since then it’s been nothing but manufacturing consent to wars, predatory tax laws that favor the rich, dismantling of protections against monopolies, dismantling of consumer protection laws, stagnant wages, failing to meet or entirely dismissing climate change goals, rolling back reproductive rights 50 years, etc. We’ve recently seen Biden’s Dept of Labor fight back a little bit against the economic stuff, but we’ve been backsliding since Reagan - not that we were really on the up-and-up before. And as for the other stuff, it doesn’t look good.

    Voter apathy is a big issue because, even though voting is likely not sufficient for significant societal change, it is necessary for it to occur.

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzPSA: Do not approach the wildlife.
    5 months ago

    At various parks, including in Wyoming, I have seen tourists:

    1. approach a bison (within 15 ft or so) while holding a toddler. Multiple other people approaching bison. Bison can weigh over a ton and can be aggressive.

    2. take a selfie with and then attempt to touch a male elk on its head. It was in a herd and actually charged them but didn’t fully commit and hurt them - just scared them (but not enough imo)

    3. dozens of people taking severe risks when hiking in remote areas. In the desert, 10 miles out when it’s 90f+ wearing sandals with no water and no cover. Rushing by other hikers on a <2ft wide ledge with a 300ft sheer drop while wearing sandals and carrying their young child in a bulky carrier on their back, etc.

    4. getting within 25ft or so of a male moose to get a picture, moose was visibly agitated. Moose weigh about a half ton and can be quite aggressive.

    5. large group of people following black bear female with cubs, on foot, for pictures - like 50ft back but still too close for their safety and for the bear’s safety, especially when they’re following it.

    Frighteningly many people have zero respect for nature, treat national parks like theme parks, and put themselves, animals, and their children at risk for no good reason in situations that are 100% avoidable.

  • Nintendo is a “family friendly” brand before all else and really only cares about the experience of children playing their games and adults buying their games for children to play. They count on their core IPs to draw in those kids as adults, but don’t put much effort in catering to an adult audience. They put more effort in with the Switch (game store with more adult oriented games), but still minimal effort - their original properties are family friendly.

    They see other people using their IP as diluting their brand value rather than promoting it. They think their characters are what makes people nostalgic for their games and drives brand value. So they want you to only be able to see your “favorite Nintendo characters” from Nintendo official sources and have complete control over that experience.

    I think they’re wrong about most of that. The characters are, for the most part, pretty generic and simple. What people like about Nintendo is that the games are accessible, they played when they were kids, and they were often introduced to those games by parents or older siblings. There’s a social context to Nintendo games that is unique and nostalgic. They’re often some of the first games you play as a kid, and they’re the first games you think of when you want to introduce your own kids/nieces & nephews, etc. to gaming. I don’t think that unofficial Super Smash Bros tournaments or Gary’s Mod having fan-made Mario models in it dilutes that in the slightest but Nintendo does drive away adults who are the primary drivers of the Nintendo brand’s popularity (as they are the purchasers). Once it’s these young adults’ turn to share Nintendo games with the next generation, I think Nintendo’s litigiousness will hurt them because it will have driven many of these people away.