Directed by Wes Anderson, with Jason Schwartzman playing Superman/Clark Kent, Saoirse Ronan as Lois Lane, Bill Murray playing Perry White, and Owen Wilson as Luthor. CIA boss played by Jeff Goldblum, vice-President of the USA played by Anjelica Huston, and President not seen on-screen but voice acted by Ira Glass.
Directed by the Coen Brothers
Directed by Wes Anderson, with Jason Schwartzman playing Superman/Clark Kent, Saoirse Ronan as Lois Lane, Bill Murray playing Perry White, and Owen Wilson as Luthor. CIA boss played by Jeff Goldblum, vice-President of the USA played by Anjelica Huston, and President not seen on-screen but voice acted by Ira Glass.
What the hell I want this now
chatGPT suggested Saoirse Ronan as a new straight-lady now that Anjelica Huston is old. The rest is me, and I agree, it would be awesome.