• Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    They do care.

    About getting caught. And keeping it going.

    And lots of clergy have been excommunicated over it.

    First of all: Oh no! Excommunicated! We’re gonna have our pretend sky friend not like you anymore, but only because we could no longer successfully cover it up, so we look bad! How about proactively turned in to law enforcement with evidence? How about the institution that let it happen proactively paying restitution to the victims? How about not just transferring the pedo to another parish to fuck more children with the church’s blessing, which is what usually happens.

    Second of all: Let’s see a source for all these “excommunications.” The exceedingly rare times I’ve seen clergy punished by the church, it’s just defrocking, not even excommunication. This indicates that the church believes there’s a special place in heaven for pedos. And remember, you said “lots.” I expect lots. I shouldn’t easily be able to counter with even more instances of churches covering up for their pedo clergy.

    Turns out pedos like to get jobs where they interact with kids.

    Particularly when they are shielded form real world consequences by their complicit employers.

    We should tax these pedo factories and use the money to fund abortions and gender affirmation surgeries.