It was like a scripted show for everyone except Zelensky. Zelensky was railroaded and talked over. Belittled. This was an embarrassment for the US and humanity as a whole. It shouldnt have been televised. What a sad shit show.
I have even more admiration for Zelenskyy after that. He kept his cool through their childish bullying, while respectfully maintaining his stance. His commitment to his people over his own ego made him the only adult in the Oval Office today.
This was humiliating for Americans. I would’ve been less embarrassed had JD started fucking the Oval Office furniture. Every member of Congress that stands behind this is complicit.
His commitment to his people
Commitment to… Continuing treating country as a prison and people as slaves who can be kidnapped off the streets and then be dent to death as a cannon fodder? I hope you will one day have a dictator with similar commitment to you.
I am opposed to drafting just as much as any other but considering the country is under a war to essentially keep existing, there should not be any reason for those elegible to fight to run.
What is the option against an enemy that does not see this people as such, is known for butchering people in taken areas and that has made clear nothing besides total capitulation will suffice? Hope they will get bored and go away?
I keep seeing this complete lie of “kidnapping people” on Xitter et al. They are arresting draft doders just like the US did during their war on Vietnam. It’s not like they are putting people in black vans to Guantanamo.
So they’re kidnapping people that do not want to go to war, gotcha.
No, no. If arresting was “kidnapping”, the US would have the largest number of kidnaps in the world.
Now you’re getting it!
I hate being american right now
You must not been paying attention your whole life then
“Time to end the war 1!!1!”
Said by brain dead comments that don’t inlcude what that means.
I know what continuing the war means: more Ukrainian casualties and more Ukrainian territory lost.
It’s really hard to think how this could’ve possibly gone worse. The whole thing started with Zelensky’s offhand suggestion of trading Ukrainian minerals for US aid which backfired catastrophically. Trump, ever the opportunist, seized on the proposal like a shark scenting blood. He initially framed it as Ukraine having to hand over minerals for future support, which he quickly turned into a demand for repayment of the $300 billion already spent, retroactively recasting aid as a loan.
By floating the minerals idea, Zelensky handed Trump a rhetorical weapon that let Trump box Ukraine into a lose-lose scenario of either surrendering resources or admitting to owing an unpayable debt. Zelensky got accustomed to Biden’s blank-check diplomacy, and completely misread the room here. Now, Trump has the perfect excuse to cut Ukraine loose. He will say that Zelensky lied about his willingness to make a deal, that he doesn’t appreciate US support, and that he was belligerent. The whole thing is an absolute debacle for Ukraine.
The US according to Powell can’t maintain this level of debt. Interest rates are high because nobody wants to buy US bonds, and you’ve got talk of BRICS ending trading oil in USD altogether. Its not like its just borrowed and the US has no repercussions, this is all future austerity.
If the status of the dollar collapses a reserve currency then the US will absolutely be in trouble. I think it’s going to be a little while yet before that happens, but I do agree we’re starting to see some initial signs of the process starting.
I’ve heard someone speculate he will remove tariffs if other country buy 100 year US bonds. This seems kind of plausible.
lol yeah that’s totally on brand