Allies must proceed carefull about sharing or leaking security info to anti-democratic alliances.
FYI:Moscow times reports since years from Europe and is considered reliable.
Allies must proceed carefull about sharing or leaking security info to anti-democratic alliances.
FYI:Moscow times reports since years from Europe and is considered reliable.
MAGA: “I hate Communism, and socialism”
Also MAGA: “Woot! Russia is awesome and is doing great, I wish we could be like Russia”
I hope that mean
In point of fact, the Russian Federation is neither communist nor socialist. It’s an authoritarian/fascist state that pays lip service to the appearance of a constitutional republic.
One would say Russia during USSR times was “communist” or “socialist” (I’m using quotes because that might still be debatable to some.) But either way, I don’t think you can say that anymore today. Today Russia is run by oligarchs and apparently that’s what these idiots want for the US as well.