The text manages to be quite surprising to me.

There was talk about USA wanting a share of Ukraine’s mineral wealth, but this agreement looks more like an agreement about funding of Ukraine’s reconstruction. It says that half of all income that Ukraine will free from the Russia will have to be put in this fund, but if the fund will be used for reconstructing Ukraine, how does this benefit USA?

Maybe it can be used for building mines for American companies, for them to use for free? Or maybe the fund can be liquidated and the money shared between Ukraine and USA?

But, my untrained eye cannot really recognize whatever shenanigans there might be hidden in the text.

    7 days ago

    My understanding is that the US maintains control over the fund. As such, IMO, it is likely they plan to spend the money on US contractors helping to rebuild UA. At first glance this may seem mutually beneficial, but it still means the funds are getting pulled away from UA instead of being spent towards UA contractors doing the rebuilding.

    I’m just guessing though. I’m keeping an eye out for any analysis articles published by a reputable news agency for clarity.

      7 days ago

      That could be worse. I could see how Zelensky might think this is capable of contributing to a PR win without being an actual major material loss for Ukraine if that’s the case.

      Still uneasy, and doubtful that it’ll make a difference, but considering that shithead supreme came out talking about how it was about repayment, and doubtlessly would’ve forced it to be so if he could have, I feared something much worse than “Some mineral profits will be used to reconstruct Ukraine, but the US decides what the fund prioritizes.”

      I suppose it depends on

      More detailed terms pertaining to the Fund’s governance and operation will be set forth in a subsequent agreement (the Fund Agreement) to be negotiated promptly after the conclusion of this Bilateral Agreement.