I brought up a story about a red square, of which you are, 15 years later, still trying to convince someone that it’s not art. Something that is still being debated on 15 years later is pretty interesting, especially for it being just a red square. The more we talk about it, the more it legitimizes it.
because it’s stupid.
you were bamboozled
Yet here we are talking about it.
you brought up a time you were bamboozled, that’s on you.
I brought up a story about a red square, of which you are, 15 years later, still trying to convince someone that it’s not art. Something that is still being debated on 15 years later is pretty interesting, especially for it being just a red square. The more we talk about it, the more it legitimizes it.
no it doesn’t. i didn’t say it’s not art i said it was dumb. You were fooled into this false profundity.
Is it false? Even if it is dumb, here we are 15 years later talking about it. Still, after hours we’re still going back and forth about it.
i bet you’re going to love to hate this wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monochrome_painting 😂
presumably you find value in some things that some other people think are stupid too; it’s OK