I was in town to set up a new banking account but wanted to check the deals on my existing ones first. I would have used my phone for this but I have recently got a new phone and would need to join a public WiFi to reinstall my previous apps (if it was possible to do this over my unlimited 5G connection, the way to do this wasn’t apparent). I attempted to join the library’s public WiFi but needed to supply my membership number which I had not brought with me. No problem I thought as I happened to have my passport and I could surely show this to the customer service desk to prove who I was. The person there was helpful, but said I would need to also show proof of address in order to release my membership number. They suggested I access one of my banking apps on my phone which would show my home address on a statement. But getting my banking apps working was the very reason I needed to join the WiFi in the first place! I asked why proving my address was relevant to getting my membership number when I had already proven who I was, and they admitted they didn’t know. We both mused at how things like this highlighted the futility of life. I returned home having not accomplished any of the things I set out to do.

  • BCsven@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    I was only explaining why they did it, it is for privacy and services. The fact that free WiFi is not everywhere is stupid. Seems you missed the point.