Ever wonder why it’s rich media companies who are screeching from the rooftops that Biden is old and needs to step down, while AOC, Bernie, and all the actual progressives are standing behind him?
This is a revolt of the ownership class against Biden’s proposed tax hikes. Nothing more. And Leftists are falling for it hook line and sinker.
Just remember that during the 2016 election, the “If not Bernie, then Trump” bros turned out to be Russian interference.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just Russia trying to split the Dem base.
Ever wonder why it’s rich media companies who are screeching from the rooftops that Biden is old and needs to step down, while AOC, Bernie, and all the actual progressives are standing behind him?
This is a revolt of the ownership class against Biden’s proposed tax hikes. Nothing more. And Leftists are falling for it hook line and sinker.
Lol no we are not. We’re just not able to justify supporting a genocide.