Google 1970s Iran vs now. It’s an interesting contrast of how quickly societies can change; and some would argue, not towards the future but backwards.

    2 months ago

    No one, certainly not me are making excuses for the Iranian government. I am a literal refugee and this is a history community. The photo title has an obvious bias to it as if the 70s were a time that they should return to and also suggests most women in Iran were living like this in the 70s. Neither are true. There are also women today who dress like this in Iran and don’t wear Hijabs, it isn’t as strict as the media makes it seem and rich people don’t follow laws anywhere in the world.

      2 months ago

      Saying “it’s all the fault of the US” is making excuses.

      Mahsa Amini was born 22 years after the Iranian Revolution, 47 years after the US backed coup.

      Mahsa Amini was beaten to death 44 years after the Iranian Revolution, 69 years after the US backed coup.

      So how many more years need to go by before we can say “Iran is fucked up because they beat women to death for not wearing a Hijab” without someone making the excuse that “It’s not their fault because the US did some bad shit X years ago”? Like what the value for X here? 100 years before Iranians are responsible for their own actions without it being in some degree the fault of the US?

      I think a country can’t have a lot of progress if it’s defaulting to scapegoating another country for all of their problems. Japan was literally nuked by the US and they don’t do that kind of shit. What’s done is done and wallowing in the past doesn’t move anything forward.