Alt text: a 50s style illustration of three skeleton mobsters wielding Tommy guns bursting into a room with several people inside posted on a website. The skeletons are wearing classic mob attire, trench coats, fedoras, ties. A user is replying, “Bones Malone and the spooky boys.” Another user replies, "RATTLE 'EM BOYS! with a caption making an onomatopoeia of the ‘unsettling rattling noises of three skeletons’ ".

Alt text for some stupid meme can be challenging lol

    2 months ago

    `[Rhys Coiro]

    The church bells, they were ringin’ The clouds were low and brown The horses they were neighin’ The day Robert Palins shot me down

    He rode into town on a jet-black mare Spat and hitched her to a tree He made his way to the town saloon The day Robert Palins murdered me [Tim Robinson] It was also the night that the skeletons came to life They came from under the ground And from all over They-

    [Coiro] Palins grabbed the preacher’s daughter He aimed his shooter at my crown He cocked that crooked hammer back And he brought that hammer down

    [Robinson] Exactly! The bones are the skeletons’ money In our world, bones equal dollars That’s why they’re coming out tonight To get their bones from you The skeletons will pull your hair Up, but not out All they want is another chance at life They’ve never seen so much food as this Underground there’s half as much food as this And the worms are their money The bones are their dollars And- [Coiro] The bullet ripped inside my chest The clouds, they did storm My sweet Marie, she cried for me And then I was no more

    [Robinson] And it was also the night that the skeletons came to life The bones are their money So are the worms They pull your hair up, but not out To turn into a man and have another chance at life But if they pull it out they turn to bones`