AI Work Assistants Need a Lot of Handholding

Getting full value out of AI workplace assistants is turning out to require a heavy lift from enterprises. ‘It has been more work than anticipated,’ says one CIO.

aka we are currently in the process of realizing we are paying for the privilege of being the first to test an incomplete product.

Mandell said if she asks a question related to 2024 data, the AI tool might deliver an answer based on 2023 data. At Cargill, an AI tool failed to correctly answer a straightforward question about who is on the company’s executive team, the agricultural giant said. At Eli Lilly, a tool gave incorrect answers to questions about expense policies, said Diogo Rau, the pharmaceutical firm’s chief information and digital officer.

I mean, imagine all the non-obvious stuff it must be getting wrong at the same time.

He said the company is regularly updating and refining its data to ensure accurate results from AI tools accessing it. That process includes the organization’s data engineers validating and cleaning up incoming data, and curating it into a “golden record,” with no contradictory or duplicate information.

Please stop feeding the thing too much information, you’re making it confused.

Some of the challenges with Copilot are related to the complicated art of prompting, Spataro said. Users might not understand how much context they actually need to give Copilot to get the right answer, he said, but he added that Copilot itself could also get better at asking for more context when it needs it.

Yeah, exactly like all the tech demos showed – wait a minute!

[Google Cloud Chief Evangelist Richard Seroter said] “If you don’t have your data house in order, AI is going to be less valuable than it would be if it was,” he said. “You can’t just buy six units of AI and then magically change your business.”

Nevermind that that’s exactly how we’ve been marketing it.

Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to wait for chatgpt-6.66 that will surely fix everything, while voiced by charlize theron’s non-union equivalent.

    4 months ago

    Did no one tell them that “evangelist” is not exactly a positive term? Do they call their sales people “crusaders”, too?

      4 months ago

      i think this is a common european misconception; the us is bloody religious, even compared to our polish parishes.

      (and if you want to know how the salespeople think? remember the movie glengarry glenn ross? the movie about alienation and lack of humanity? this absolutely inhumane monster is thought by them as an example of the right attitude.)

        • Charlie
          4 months ago

          @skillissuer The younger generation in the US is secularizing rapidly, though—increased radicalization of the evangelicals (and association with white supremacism/neo-nazis) is driving an exodus from churches.

            4 months ago

            depending on how you count, poland might be one of fastest secularizing countries in the world and for pretty much the same reasons, we even had abortion ban. it’s not a competition of course

            one extra factor is backlash against massive catholic propaganda campaign from the times when john paul 2 was pope, based on some twisted logic that because pope is polish now, yall better be religious or else. nobody really was having this outside of pilgrimage-going weirdos (even if it’s consequence-free school trip it’s only for true believers because of intense catholic radiation). so when pope finally croaked some of these nutjobs were lighting candles on hour of his death (21:37) and singing his fave song for several days as if that was completely normal and not something on par with North Koreans mourning Dear Leader. over time it got mocked relentlessly and in 2010s era memes pope will be forever remembered as a pedo war criminal (as he was) input 2137 in search engine of your choice if you want to find out

            also it’ll be forever funny to me how american fundamentalist catholics try to go to “based catholic poland”, a country that doesn’t exist, in search of tradwife and slow life on a plot of land in the middle of nowhere. they missed a memo or several