That explains the noises at night! If they could just shore up our one sagging foundation corner in the back while they’re at it, that’d be great. After they do some serious manual labor in the summer sun for me, then they can go back to their country until I need more work done. Oh! Actually, no, we need them to do the harvest. And there’s this thing with some construction… shit. It turns out that hard workers are actually really needed everywhere and we shouldn’t be such xenophobic/racist assholes all the time.
I do actually need the foundation looked at, though but I can’t afford it despite having a pretty decent and high experience required job. All the money is going to billionaires instead. Strange that those same billionaires are funding lots of media telling me to be afraid of people all the time… no relation to the whole immigration thing, I’m sure.
All the illegals coming in aren’t helping things either
I hope immigrants sneak in and move your house a few inches further from your work every day
That explains the noises at night! If they could just shore up our one sagging foundation corner in the back while they’re at it, that’d be great. After they do some serious manual labor in the summer sun for me, then they can go back to their country until I need more work done. Oh! Actually, no, we need them to do the harvest. And there’s this thing with some construction… shit. It turns out that hard workers are actually really needed everywhere and we shouldn’t be such xenophobic/racist assholes all the time.
I do actually need the foundation looked at, though but I can’t afford it despite having a pretty decent and high experience required job. All the money is going to billionaires instead. Strange that those same billionaires are funding lots of media telling me to be afraid of people all the time… no relation to the whole immigration thing, I’m sure.
Just because we want people to come into our country legally and want to know their background doesn’t make us racist.
You don’t have to be racist to be ridiculous.
That’s the kind of thing a racist would say