I just found out about The Odin Project, a self-paced online course to learn full stack web development. There are two paths: one is Ruby on Rails and the other is full JavaScript and nodejs. I am leaning more towards Ruby but I wanted to get some more opinions from folks in the field.

  • Vlyn@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    DevOps is usually more backend or full stack (though in bigger companies it’s its own job entirely).

    Python is always a good start in that regard. But honestly, the basics for programming are pretty much the same across languages (with a few exceptions). So you could go with JavaScript, C#, Python, … whatever beginner friendly language you prefer.

    This course gets you started extremely fast (Python, but in your browser, so no need to install anything): https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python-3

    Personally for a learning language and if you’re using Windows I’d lean towards C# (With Visual Studio Community, it’s free). It does give you a good idea of what data types, classes, etc. are and if you want to dive deeper you can transition to C++ afterwards to learn about memory management and pointers (but it’s not a fun language to work with, in my personal opinion).

    As for DevOps, you could do the first courses for Azure (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/microsoft-azure-fundamentals-describe-cloud-concepts/) or AWS (https://skillbuilder.aws/?dt=sec&sec=fdt).

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)