Trader Joe’s, SpaceX, and Meta are arguing in lawsuits that government agencies protecting workers and consumers—the NLRB and FTC—are “unconstitutional.”

Trader Joe’s has become the second company in a month to sue the National Labor Relations Board for being “unconstitutional,” following the lead of Elon Musk’s SpaceX, as both companies face board charges for firing employees. These two major corporations aren’t alone in attempting to protect their interests by undermining public institutions; Meta is also arguing in an ongoing lawsuit that the Federal Trade Commission is unconstitutional.

A legal expert told Motherboard that these companies are attempting to take advantage of what they believe is a friendly Supreme Court—judges currently lean right by a six-to-three margin—while they can.

    8 months ago

    Bill Clinton killed off any rejection of Reagan. The rest is the lack of any political structure beyond the state and corporations.

      8 months ago

      I’m afraid it’s worse than that.

      Basically after FDR died, for as imperfect as he was… all the objective good he did was slowly whittled away by members of both parties - simply at differing rates.

      With Truman put in as his VP after the DNC suggested replacing FDR’s first VP - Henry “I want to pass a civil rights bill in the 1940s” Wallace for their more “centrist” candidate, we dropped 2 atomic weapons on civilian cities.

      Kennedy was the first real neoliberal in that he came from a dynastically wealthy family and successfully dropped the top marginal tax rate that FDR had helped set at 90% down to 60%… which helped create massive budget shortages about a decade later. LBJ got us into Vietnam. Carter was too nice to ever use the bully pulpit and also let his own personal Protestant work ethic dictate his own policy goals which he seemed to back with the idea that things like the oil crisis should be a burden that every day Americans shoulder rather than the massive giant multinational oil companies, and then after Reagan won 2x and Bush “my family worked with the Nazis” Sr. won a term afterward, Clinton pivoted the last remaining New Deal democrats to a 3rd way where they abandoned the working class for a more palatable version of Republicanism.

      Bernie really could have been a turning point, but instead all that has happened is the accelerating worsening of all our lives alternating between the hands of the ultra rich who only do it slowly… and the hands of increasingly fascistic nakedly monstrous ultra rich ghouls and their goons.

      8 months ago

      obama and clinton personallly interfered with, and prevented his being chosen by the DNC at the DNCs request in 2016.

      obama the conservative prevented progress by enabling other conservative democrats to endorse the conservative hillary over bernie.

      fuck obama