Who would’ve thought? This isn’t going to fly with the EU.
Article 5.3 of the Digital Markets Act (DMA): “The gatekeeper shall not prevent business users from offering the same products or services to end users through third-party online intermediation services or through their own direct online sales channel at prices or conditions that are different from those offered through the online intermediation services of the gatekeeper.”
Friendly reminder that you can sideload apps without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account using TrollStore, which utilises core trust bugs to bypass/spoof some app validation keys, on a iPhone XR or newer on iOS 14.0 up to 16.6.1. (ANY version for iPhone X and older)
Install guide: Trollstore
I will never switch to iOS until they allow both sideloading and other browser engines.
I hate that I buy my phone from a shitty advertising company like Google but atleast they don’t treat me like a child and let me use my universal turing machine universally.
Saw an article just today about Apple allowing other browser
renserinenfijeswtf autocorrect, I typed engines, but only in the EU.OK, so how do I make iOS think it’s in the EU then?
what happened there lmao
No idea, must be the auto renserinenfijes.
Autoincorrect and I didn’t notice. Wtf? Hahaha
Or I was having a stroke
Support small refurbishing shops online and buy your phone used from them, and put Linux or another Android fork such as Calyxos or Graphene on them. Works great for me.
They do. They don’t give you root access out of the box. And if you decide to root it, you’ll pop a physical fuse
i have unlocked bootloader of every single smartphone I’ve ever had, ranging from Xiaomi, Samsung, Motorola to Google.
pixels are the easiest to unlock. there are several mediocre things about pixels(battery life, refresh rate, etc.). but unlocking bootloader isn’t one of them.
I didn’t say it was hard, and I’ve done it myself, but try do that on your work phone
why the hell would you root a device supplied to you by your employer? It’s not yours.
I don’t, and that’s my whole point. It’s way more locked down than a PC operating system. It’s also mine in the sense, that it is intended to be used for personal stuff, which I do use it for.
I steer clear of doing anything personal with work related devices. but even then, Android at least allows for two separate profiles.
I think Apple supports work profiles as well, but I might be wrong.
But anyways, I didn’t enroll, I didn’t have to. The only work stuff I use it for, is a few apps. They have no control over how I use my device, and they wouldn’t notice anything if I rooted it. Still though, it’s nice not to break warranty, etc
Only on Samsung for the fuse thing. That damned Knox.
They don’t give you root access out of the box because the vast majority of users don’t want or care about it, whilst being a pretty wide open door for bad actors. As far as I know, pixels are the easiest android phone to flash stuff too. I’ve only heard of Samsung blowing e-fuses upon flashing custom ROMs.
Guess what phone I have. I made a dumb choice though