Why would communist support capitalists like Putin and Xi-Jinping which aren’t better than Liberal-capitalists ?

I am all in for stopping liberal capitalism, but I am more interested in implementing a happinex index like Buthan than living in oligarch-capitalist-regime like Russia/China

  • Wolf_359@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The people of Ukraine didn’t want to be Russian, they wanted to be more like the West. Their leader at the time wanted Ukraine to get in bed with Russia and the rest of the East. They ousted him. Putin seized on their moment of weakness and instability by invading.

    Could the US have played a role? Yeah but every country with the ability to project any power almost certainly did as well. That’s just geopolitics at work for better or worse.

    Every single country on Earth exerts influence on the others to benefit themselves. Look at Ukraine cozying up with the West right now to get weapons and notice how the US, UK, and other Western nations are happily obliging. Ukraine wants to be Western and the West would love another long-term ally, especially one next to Russia. Anyone really think Eastern nations don’t do the same thing? China is exerting a ton of influence in Africa right now, and it’s not out of the goodness of their hearts - it’s quite predatory actually so they’re no different than the US in that regard.

      • Windex007@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        “China doesn’t require austerity”

        Please expand on exactly what you think this means.

          • Wolf_359@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            The west isn’t the good guy but you’re nuts if you think China isn’t sucking Africa dry.

            I just watched a documentary recently (I will genuinely try to find it again and link here if I can) where Native African workers were being put out of business by China in their own country. China is mining for rare Earth metals using Chinese workers and trapping a lot of these countries in debts they won’t be able to pay back. Once I saw it coming from the mouths of Native Africans, I knew it wasn’t propaganda from either side. Straight to the source - people who live there and see it every day. They start out very grateful for China’s assistance and then later on realize the trap they are in.

            Here is some other info: https://apnews.com/article/china-debt-banking-loans-financial-developing-countries-collapse-8df6f9fac3e1e758d0e6d8d5dfbd3ed6